How to have an amazing self care day (with kids around!)
How to have an amazing self care day (with kids around!)
So there you have it. My steps to an amazing self care day. If you try this out, let me know in the comments below how you feel.

What would you ideal self care day consist of?

How to have an amazing self care day

I’ve got to admit this. I’m not the greatest example of knowing how to achieve self care on a daily basis. But then, how many moms of little children really know how to find time for a self care day? New mom self care can be next to impossible to enjoy if you haven’t got any support close by to help you whenever you need it. Luckily, your self care day doesn’t have to involve checking into a hotel with a spa.

Babysitters, family members and friends are not always an option when you’re a new mom. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll know that my family moved to Germany from the U.K. and we have no family close by. No friends that we can ask to babysit for us either. We also happen to be living in a time when we have to consider social distancing and so until very recently, babysitters weren’t an option either. You’re probably facing the same situation.

If you’re a working mom, you might be working from home like a lot of the world’s population are doing right now. It might be a change that, whilst you appreciate, has meant that you need to be even more intentional with your self-care. That’s why you have to find ways to relax with your child around. I know what you’re thinking – it’s not always possible. Yes. I know. But you have to try. You can only try.

Self-care for parents is not a mythical creature that we can never catch a glimpse of. There are things you can incorporate into each day to help you “remember yourself”, so to speak. Then there’s also setting aside one day a week every month or so and really going all out and consciously doing the things you’re unable to do on a daily basis.

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