
In the past few years, we've seen an uptick in violence in the home. Between 2004 and 2007, there was a 2% increase in domestic violence cases reported to police every year. This is bad news for victims of abuse or harassment. It means that more people are being hurt by those close to them, and those who suffer from these types of situations often have no idea what they should do next—let alone how they can prevent future harm from occurring again. Luckily, Family Violence Lawyer Melbourne is trained to help clients navigate these difficult situations.
If someone has been threatened or attacked
You should know that if you are being abused, threatened or attacked by someone else in your home or elsewhere, this is domestic violence, and it's not right. You can get help if you are afraid of the person who harmed you. If you have been physically hurt by someone else and need medical attention, tell the doctor at the hospital or clinic that the injury was from an attack by another person (and not from an accident).
Suppose this has happened to you before, and the other person has never been arrested for hurting you back, but now there are charges against them for breaking you again. In that case, it's time to find out how hiring a family violence lawyer could help protect your rights as well as those of any children involved in these cases where abuse may be occurring on more than one occasion - especially when children are put into danger because they're witnessing these events happening around them every day.
When you feel like someone is against you
You should consider hiring an attorney if you feel that someone, such as your partner or family member, is not on your side. They could be trying to bully or harass you into a decision they want. Or they might be manipulating and controlling your decisions without letting you know what's happening. If this sounds familiar, it's time to get help from a family violence lawyer.
If something feels “off” in your household
If you feel like something is "off" in your household, it's time to speak up and get help. If you think you are being threatened, attacked, abused or harassed by someone close to you—or if someone is stalking or harassing you—then it's time to call a family violence lawyer.
Dozens of people have had the experience of being threatened, attacked or harassed by their spouse, partner, child or another family member. About one in five women and one in seven men have experienced this type of abuse at some point in their lives.
If you believe that someone in your family is experiencing violence, it’s important to speak up about it. Violence can take many forms, including psychological abuse and financial control. If you feel something is wrong in your household and want an advocate on your side, contact a Family Violence Lawyer in Melbourne today!