
Sleepibella’s Detox Pearls.
SleepiBella Yoni Detox Pearls are a natural approach torestoring feminine health . The pearls hold powerful herbs that aid in theremoval of toxins from the vagina that may be working against the overallhealth of the woi help to provide vaginal tightening, decrease vaginal drynessand allow the blood to recircula te throughout the womb and uterus.They alsoaid in improving yeast and bacterial infections, infertility, fibroids,irregular menstruation, vaginal dryness, pelvic inflammatory disease, urineincontinence, and expelling fluid build ups that are not expelled during themenstrual cycle that can cause cysts and fibroids.
Please do NOT use if you're pregnant, breastfeeding, or onyour period. It's also recommended that if you are a virgin to avoid using thepearls. Due to the strong nature of the herbs, the pearls have the ability tobreak the hymen.
If you have an IUD, use at your own risk. In rare circumstances, pearls havedislodged the IUD.
1. Thoroughly wash your hands, open the pouch, remove one new ANCOR .
2. Pull out the string of the Pearl.
3. Steep in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes
4. Remove from warm water and Insert Pearl inside your vagina approximately 7centimeters deep using your finger or empty tampon applicator, leave somestring hanging outside of the vagina for Pearl retrieval.
5. Remove the Pearl from your vagina 48 hours later or you may keep the pearl inside of you for up to three days, thenremove.
6. You may insert a second new Pearl 24 hours after you remove Pearl numberone. You may keep Pearl number two inside of you for up to 3 days, then remove.
7. You may insert a third new Pearl 24 hours after you remove Pearl number two.You may keep the Pearl inside of you for up to 3 days, then remove.
Due to the toxins being drawn out, every woman will have adifferent experience.It is possible that while using this you may experience anunbalanced PH
some women experience vaginal dryness (very normal).
No order or itch but might be a bit uncomfortable
If you experience dryness or itchiness, apply Sleepibella’s essential yoni oilto vulva for relief .
some women may develop a yeast infection after the use of the detox pearls. Ifthat happens, use SleepiBella feminine wash, refreshing mist or SleepiBellaAloe Vera sensitive wash
If you experience a yeast infection this does not mean that the detox pearlsdidn’t work. The herbs in the detox ANCOR have still circulated throughyour body and once the yeast infection clears up you should see a difference inyour vagina , if not another cleanse is recommended.
Am I done detoxing?
Detox is completed Once all the discharge has left yourbody, it is recommended to wait an additional day or two after you think you’vefinished to let the remaining expel out of the body
What to expect
During the extraction process women with fibroids and cystmight feel a mild cramping.
This is normal
Due to the toxins being drawn out of the vagina opening some women mightexperience
mild itching.
Some women may experience a mild odor that will clear up once the process isover
What to do if Period comes during detox?
If this happens take out the pearl and wait a couple days after menstrationdiminishes before resuming with the detox
Three pearls equals one cleanse.
It's recommended six Yoni pearlsto start a thorough cleanse. General cleansing time is estimated between sevento nine days (depending on your body, some detoxes may last longer).
Do NOT use Yoni pearls seven daysbefore the onset of menstruation; wait at least 4 days after your last day ofmenstruation before using pearl.
It is normal that after removal ofpearls for pearls to look the same as they did before inserting
Detox pearls promotes blood flowyou may experience some spotting that stops in few days
The mesh on the pearl is supposedto stay on
Wait three months after givingbirth before using detox pearls
Some women may experience frequenturination
Dont use SleepiBella yoni steamherbs with Sleepibella’s detox pearls at the same time
Choose which one to use first ifyou decide in using our steaming herbs first wait 2 days before insertingpearls if you decide to use our detox pearls first wait 5 days after removingpearl before steaming.
If you feel uncomfortable or dizzyplease remove pearl and drink plenty of water