
How Do You Know if You're Suffering from Low Progesterone Symptoms?
Progesterone is a female hormone, and an imbalance in the level of the hormone can affect your menstrual cycle. Conditions include high cholesterol levels, thyroid disease, pituitary gland, and issues related to other glands. The cause of low progesterone can be determined using a suitable treatment.
The progesterone level regulates the period cycle, and its primary role is to make the uterus ready to achieve pregnancy. After every month of ovulation, the lining of the uterus starts to thicken with the help of progesterone. When there is no fertilization, the progesterone level falls, and periods start. Overall, the progesterone hormone helps maintain the lining of the uterus throughout the pregnancy period.
When you notice low progesterone symptoms, you must take a suitable test to know the level of progesterone in the blood and take proper precautions beforehand.
Causes of Low Progesterone
Anovulatory Cycle:- It is a condition when there occurs no ovulation. This is common in women with PCOS or who take a particular type of birth control pills.
Elevated Cortisol Level:- Cortisol levels are also known as the stress hormone. When produced in large amounts, the body lowers the level of progesterone. Too much stress makes it difficult for the body to produce progesterone which leads to irregular periods.
Thyroid Disease:- Thyroid health issues produce low progesterone; it is common in hypothyroidism when the secretion of thyroxine is inadequate in the body. Thyroid health issues lead to amenorrhea, a condition when the period stops for several months.
Decrease in the Level of Cholesterol:- Your body needs normal cholesterol levels to produce progesterone, and a low cholesterol level stops progesterone production.
High level of Prolactin:- High levels of prolactin cause hyperprolactinemia and affects the sex hormone and menstrual cycle or put a stop to the period. The pituitary gland releases prolactin, and high prolactin secretion disrupts progesterone production and causes abnormal periods.
Low Progesterone Symptoms in Females
The common progesterone symptoms in females are:-
Increase in weight
Lower sexual drive
Mood swings
Heavy period
Irregular period
Tenderness of breast
PMS or gallbladder issues
Ways to Prevent Low Progesterone Level
Various factors cause low progesterone levels, and given below are some ways with which you can control the level of progesterone.
Manage Your Stress:- Stress is the leading cause of lower progesterone levels; women have the habit of taking too much stress. Hence, it is necessary to manage your stress level. But how will you handle it? Concerning various activities and hobbies lowers the stress level.
Exercise:- Exercise is good for your health, but excessive and strenuous levels of exercise can lower the level of progesterone. Hence, it is recommended to exercise but at a moderate level. Yoga and meditation help deal with your stress and keep you healthy.
Healthy Diet:- An unhealthy diet often imbalances the level of progesterone; therefore, you must have a healthy diet where you must add all sorts of nutrients so that your body does not face the symptoms of low progesterone. Include zinc-rich foods for smooth production of progesterone.
Proper Sleep:- Get yourself the appropriate amount of sleep to reduce your anxiety level and maintain good health. It also helps manage mood swings and depression and promotes health and good brain performance.
Treatment for Low Progesterone Level
Progesterone hormone is an essential hormone that aids pregnancy and a low level of which makes it difficult for the woman to conceive. The first step is to take a progesterone test to know the level of progesterone in the blood. Then, the result is sent to the doctor to understand the report and allow the best treatment and medications.
Summing up
Progesterone level in females is essential as it is related to pregnancy, and a fall in the level of which can affect fertility. Besides, a female must also need a ferritin blood test along testosterone test as a low level of iron imbalances during the menstrual period.
Progesterone is essential in females as it is related to menopause, fertility, and a woman's overall health. The low progesterone level causes infertility, miscarriage, irregular periods, spotting, lower sexual drive, and increased weight.
A low level of progesterone can cause problems in both men and women, and to control the harmful impact, various treatments are available. The treatment may be long-term, which resolves the issue of low progesterone levels. Take the help of your doctor in case you face any such symptoms to protect your body from other effects. If you are looking for a progesterone test, then you must consider the best diagnostic centre so that you get accurate test results and also other health benefits.