Don’t Look Back: How to Keep Recovering After Experiencing a Relapse
Don’t Look Back: How to Keep Recovering After Experiencing a Relapse
Addiction recovery is not easy, but what makes it worse is a relapse. What could be worse than finding yourself sipping alcohol or indulging in drugs after months or years of sobriety? You got into a rehabilitation center in Mumbai and spent weeks practicing meditation and therapies for de-addiction.

Don’t Look Back: How to Keep Recovering After Experiencing a Relapse



Addiction recovery is not easy, but what makes it worse is a relapse. What could be worse than finding yourself sipping alcohol or indulging in drugs after months or years of sobriety? You got into a rehabilitation center in Mumbai and spent weeks practicing meditation and therapies for de-addiction.

Relapsing after these efforts feel like you have let down your family. It also feels like there’s no way you can become sober again. However, relapsing is quite common after de-addiction. Most addicts are highly likely to relapse at least once in their life after treatment. Here’s how you can recover after a relapse.

Be Easy on Yourself

De-addiction is a long-term process and not an end goal. It’s normal to experience setbacks. You might be doing great now, but you should also understand that achieving long-term goals come with its share of risks and failures. Instead of thinking of it as a failure, you should consider relapse as a challenge.

If you could fight addiction, you can deal with setbacks too. The biggest problem with addicts is that they feel ashamed of the relapse. Accept that it happened and think about ways you can recover.

Talk to Your Family

Another reason people are distressed after a relapse is that they can’t face their families. Your loved ones put trust in you. They did everything in their power to ensure your speedy recovery. The hardest part for any addict who has relapsed is to share it with their loved ones. However, the more you hide, the harder it will be to recover from addiction. You should rather focus on being honest with them. Tell them what happened.

Take Professional Help

Relapse doesn’t always happen a few weeks following your de-addiction program. In fact, most people relapse after years of sobriety. It doesn’t mean you will become an addict again, but there is a possibility. It’s best to seek professional help as soon as you feel the addictive behavior. Call your counselor and discuss your options for chronic relapse treatment in Mumbai. Your treatment will most likely start with a detoxification process. Fortunately, detoxification will be easier this time because you know what the treatment involves and what the recovery looks like. How many sessions you need for detox depends on which drugs you took and in what amount.

You will get through it

Whenever you think you will never recover, remember that you did it when you were at your worst. Recovering from any form of addiction is a challenge in itself, so relapse should not be as difficult as your prior recovery. If anything, it will be easier since you already know the treatment process.

Remember that relapse is only a challenge in your recovery process. And, most people recover from addiction and a relapse eventually. Overcoming substance abuse is not as difficult as it looks. Talk to your family and get professional help to make the process smooth and easy.