Best tricks to Help you start working out Perfectly
Best tricks to Help you start working out Perfectly
Best health and fitness tips

Top healthy tips for all ages

Best health and fitness tips

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Some great health tips are

  1. Take a regular morning walk and exercise
  2. Take a healthy diet
  3. make your food pure and simple
  4. don't use so many spices
  5. eat balanced diet
  6. make a diet plan by consulting with a nutritionist
  7. Be happy
  8. make use of green vegetables and juices
  9. make a timetable to eat and sleep
  10. don't eat too much

1. Morning walk

walk at least 1000m a day

2. Healthy diet

take simple food such as juices, and reduce oils and fats

3. Pure food

Take pure food like milk, honey, butter e.t.c

4. No spices

Some people eat so many spices and ask they are ill, so use spices as less as possible

5. Eat a balanced diet 

Make use of a balanced and simple diet, no ghee e.t.c, if you are a heart patient, then it is so dangerous for you, so avoid it

6. Make a diet plan

Go to a fine nutritionist in your town and make a diet plan

7. Be happy

The solution to all the problems is happiness, so, be always happy.

8. Green Vegetables

Always use green vegetables such as sagh, palak e.t.c

and juices like aloe vera juice

9. Timetable

make a reasonable timetable to eat and sleep according to the needs of your body

10. Eat less

Don't eat too much, just as you need. That's it