
Methamphetamine, sometimes known as meth, is a substance that users can snort, inject, or smoke. Meth belongs to the class of drugs known as stimulants, which affects the central nervous system and is chemically related to amphetamines like Adderall. It gives users a pleasant rush of euphoria and wakefulness, but the “high” begins and wears off quickly, so people may take additional doses in a “binge and crash” pattern.
Although methamphetamine is potent and very addictive, it need not take over your life. It’s crucial to know that treatment is available so that people can get over their addiction if you believe that you or someone you care about may have a meth issue. This article will describe the signs and symptoms of meth addiction as well as the types of care and assistance that are available to those who need it.
What is Addiction to Meth?
A greater amount of dopamine is present in the brains of methamphetamine users. Dopamine affects how the body moves, what motivates us, and how rewarding habits are reinforced. Meth can make a person desire to use drugs again since it promotes drug-taking behavior and can rapidly produce high quantities of dopamine in the brain’s reward centers.
People who use meth may have a range of negative impacts, such as:
intensely happy emotions.
increased confidence and sociability.
increased awareness and focus.
increased vigor
increased libido
diminished appetite
accelerated breathing
heart rate that is erratic and rapid.
body temperature rising.
Meth abusers may acquire a condition known as a stimulant use disorder, which is a label given by medical and mental health professionals to those whose use of stimulants is seriously impairing their lives.
There are several indicators of a stimulant use issue:
being unable to reduce or stop using meth.
experiencing intense meth cravings.
use of meth despite adverse repercussions on employment, education, and relationships.
using meth in hazardous circumstances (e.g., before driving).
needing more of the drug to have the same effects as before.
experiencing withdrawal symptoms after rapidly reducing back or ceasing despite the use of meth causing physical or mental issues, continuing to use it.
Is Meth Addictive?
Meth is really addictive. Following meth cessation, a user may suffer the following withdrawal symptoms:
A strong desire for the drug.
One characteristic of addictive substances is the release of dopamine in the reward circuit. Meth usage is thought to release large amounts of dopamine, which is thought to contribute to the drug’s damaging effects on brain nerve endings.
What are Meth Addiction’s Signs and Symptoms?
Meth can have similar health consequences to other stimulants even in modest doses, such as:
increased physical activity and alertness.
reduced appetite.
accelerated breathing.
an irregular or fast heartbeat.
elevated body temperature and blood pressure.
chest pain.
halted or irregular heartbeat.
trouble breathing.
highly elevated body temperature.
severe abdominal discomfort
Meth abuse can result in extremely harmful and hazardous outcomes, including long-term impacts like:
meth mouth (severe dental problems).
chest pains.
renal failure.
Itching can cause skin lesions.
violent conduct.
disruptions in sleep.
coordinating issues.
memory problems.
Additionally, persons who inject methamphetamine are more likely to get hepatitis B and C, HIV, and other infectious diseases. Methamphetamine can also affect judgment and decision-making, which may result in risky activities like unprotected sex and raise infection risks.
What are Meth Use’s Health Risks?
Abusing meth can lead to a variety of health problems. If someone takes more meth than their body can manage and experiences a toxic reaction, it could lead to a meth overdose.
Two forms of overdoses are possible for meth users:
If a person mistakenly consumes too much meth in a short period of time, an acute overdose may result. This may result in complications that are severe and even fatal.
Chronic overdose is a term used to describe the cumulative health impacts of long-term meth use.
Various physical and mental side effects of an acute meth overdose can include:
heightened agitation
extreme paranoia
chest pain
irregular heartbeat or total stoppage of the heartbeat.
difficulties breathing
extremely high body temperature.
severe stomach discomfort
chest pains.
organ injury.
renal failure
A meth overdose can occasionally result in fatalities or serious bodily harm. A meth overdose victim’s chance of recovery increases with the speed at which they receive aid.
How Can a Meth Addiction Be Treated?
People with meth addiction and substance use disorders can get efficient therapy and assistance (SUD). Inpatient or outpatient treatment can be provided through private rehab, through state or local treatment programs, support groups, or in a variety of other methods.
The following therapies may be used to treat meth addiction:
Generally, inpatient treatment entails residing in a setting with round-the-clock supervision, group therapy, and individual counseling.
The patient can participate in group and one-on-one counseling sessions while receiving outpatient care and staying at home. While you’re pursuing your recovery, this kind of care might give you the chance to go to class, work, and engage in daily life.
Any therapy setting can make use of the following evidence-based treatments:
You can receive behavioral therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational incentives, or the Matrix Model, either individually or in a group setting. These treatments can help you understand your relationship to meth and other drugs and teach you how to avoid situations, people, or things that might otherwise lead to drug use. For example, they can teach you healthier ways to cope with stress.
Treatment for co-occurring disorders is integrated. Many individuals with SUDs also fit the diagnostic criteria for other mental health conditions, like depression or anxiety. The symptoms of SUDs and other mental health illnesses frequently overlap, making the relationship between the two disorders complicated and entangled. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that treating both diseases concurrently is superior to treating each diagnosis independently.
Customized treatment programs. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating addiction, and a successful treatment strategy is tailored to the needs of the individual, addressing all aspects of the person’s life that may have an impact on their ability to adhere to treatment and prevent relapses, such as housing, employment training, and legal issues.