
For both men and women, a toned and flat stomach is considered a sign of a fit, healthy and pleasing personality. However, whether it is genetics, childbearing, weight changes, or lifestyle habits, many factors make it impossible to get a slim, smooth belly.
If you are bothered by the appearance of stretched skin, stubborn fat, or weak muscles in the abdominal area, tummy tuck surgery may be the best solution to get the body you want. Let's take a look at some common misconceptions about the procedure.
One of the common myths among patients about tummy tuck is that it is a surgery for those who want to lose weight. However, tummy tuck nz is not considered a weight loss or bariatric procedure. In fact, the ideal candidate for a tummy tuck is one who is at or near their ideal body weight and is otherwise active and healthy but has a pot belly or sagging skin that stretches over the abdomen.
This does not mean that the tummy tuck will not remove excess fat in the abdominal area. Most of the time, liposuction techniques will be used during the tuck to gently reduce the amount of stubborn fat that is resistant to food and exercise to improve midline shape and tone.
Although your stomach will be flat and thin, it will not reduce the number you see on the weight scale. For this reason, if you are considering a tummy tuck, you should be within the appropriate range of your target weight before undergoing the procedure.
But it is also important to maintain a stable weight for at least six months. Any significant weight fluctuation in the future may begin to reverse the results of your surgery.
When it comes to getting the lean, toned belly you want, diet and exercise are among the most effective tools. However, while each of us should include proper diet and exercise in our daily lives, traditional weight loss methods still have their limitations in terms of the results they can provide.
No matter how much time or energy you put into these efforts, you can't control where you'll lose weight, and you can still struggle with a stubborn stomach even if you reach your goal weight.
Additionally, there are some aesthetic concerns that cannot be resolved simply by exercising and eating well.
For example, excessively large or stretched skin on the abdomen generally cannot be replaced or tightened without surgery, especially when it is the result of pregnancy or significant weight loss.
A tummy tuck has been an incredibly popular cosmetic option for women for many years, due to the many irreversible changes that occur between pregnancy and childbirth, such as stretched skin and abdominal muscles.
Tummy tucks are often included in the mommy makeover procedure, which is done to help women regain their pre-baby bodies and to help men regain their slim bodies. Although men do not have to worry about the physical changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy, they are sometimes even more prone to having a round belly. Hereditary or significant weight loss can leave men with stubborn or loose skin, which can make them feel self-conscious about their midsection.