
LG Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore
LG Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore
Not only washing purposes, but it can also dry our clothestoo. We can do alternate work while the clothes get washed in the machine. Bythis, they can save time. Including this, automatic machines are also availablenow. Now we don’t find the old methods of washing clothes. In the olden days,women used to wash the clothes at the banks of the rivers.
Kinds of Washing Machine:
Ø TopLoad Washing Machine
Ø FrontLoad Washing Machine
Ø Self-loaderWashing Machine
Our Services Specialties
Ø You can approach us through online website and contact numbers.So, you can go through the websites and contact us. We have a contact number soyou can communicate us through them. If your washer gets any kind of complaintthen take the help of our great and highly trained technicians to get a betterservice for your product.
We repair all the parts of washing machine withthe low amount of charges and we give you a warranty on normal service of 30days and 90 days warranty on the replaced spare parts within few hours calls.
CONTACT US AT:18008893804
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