
Rummy is the most popular card game in India that people have been playing for ages. Though there are many debates about the origin of rummy, conquian is the most prevalent & commonly accepted fact in terms of its origin. Since then, the real money rummy game evolved and you can find a wide range of rummy variations from region to region. People love to have fun with card games at weddings, social gatherings, or office parties.
Apart from this, the acceptance of the Supreme Court of India towards rummy as a skill-based game makes the game legal. It further fueled the popularity of rummy, resulting in the availability of online rummy games. With the phenomenal advancements in gaming technologies, the oldest & most preferred game has now taken an online avatar. A variety of online platforms & apps are offering players to play rummy online real money. No doubt, rummy has a bright future in India.
Take a look at a few factors contributing to the rummy’s popularity in India:
Indian People Love Card Game
As mentioned above, rummy is one of the oldest & popular card games Indians have been playing for ages. The definition of fun & thrill still hasn’t changed for people in India, resulting in the insane popularity of rummy in real money. It is a fast-paced game that people love to play on different occasions like Diwali, weddings, etc. The excitement of arranging the cards in sequences or sets before the opponents keep the game on its toes. Different tricks & strategies, & chat with co-players add an extra thrill to the game. One single rummy mistake can lead to losing the game.
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