
There are many uses for ammonia, both in the commercial and domestic arenas.
Many downstream nitrogen-based products require ammonia as a raw material. It is used in foods and fertilizers as a nutritional supplement. It also has a variety of uses in the pharmaceutical and cleansing industries. Ammonia is one of the most widely used inorganic chemicals in the world, used in both commercial and domestic applications.
Ammonia commands respect, and it has been accorded to it. Consider the fact that ammonia was used in the majority of refrigeration applications from 1834 to the late 1920s. Since ammonia was readily available, refrigeration was installed in hospitals, sanitariums, and hotels, as well as for air conditioning.
Because of its high ignition temperature and low flame velocity, ammonia has a slower chemical reaction rate than traditional fuels when used as a fuel in internal combustion engines. Ammonia is discharged from the exhaust without being burned due to the slow chemical reaction rate.
Natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, or petroleum naphtha are all converted into gaseous hydrogen in a typical modern ammonia plant. Steam reforming is a method for producing hydrogen from hydrocarbons. The hydrogen is then combined with nitrogen in the Haber-Bosch process to produce ammonia.