Regression Testing Basics
Regression Testing Basics
We clear up what is regression testing and when to use it.

All products need updates and new features to stay usable and safe for users. And even if your code works seamlessly after some modification, bugs and failures can happen. To ensure that recent code changes don't lead to errors, the development team carries out regression testing. 

What is regression testing? Regression testing is a functional type of testing with a primary goal to ensure that new code changes, updates don't cause failures and don't affect code overall. 

The core principle of effective regression testing is repetitiveness. Thus, regression testing is an integral part of an Agile framework that is characterized by frequent deployments. Developers introduce a new build within short sprints. And dev teams must ensure that changes don't cause failures after every build. So, regression testing is executed often to prevent failures and maximize effectiveness. 

Regression testing is often confused with retesting, whereas they are different kinds of testing. The main difference between regression testing and retesting is that retesting focuses on specific issues while regression testing cheks code overall. Retesting ensures that failed test cases work properly after eliminating failures. Developers know what causes bugs and fix them, and after that engineers, execute retesting to ensure that bugs don't emerge again.