
Imagine this situation to begin with. A business school professor was flabbergasted by the students’ refusal to submit assignments on time, all the time. She asked her students what prevented them from being punctual about submissions. Ah! They said, we’re left with no time. And what did they do with the 24 hours they had in hand? Well, turned out it was just not enough. So she sat them down and put every minute on paper. The sum of the parts did not add up to the whole. So there were a lot of things that actually stole their time, many times unbeknownst to them. The common retort that ‘I just have no time’ is turning out to be something people will soon be embarrassed about, for thousands of others accomplish much more with the same given hours of the day.
Time management is therefore a very crucial aspect of life not just that of projects you may manage in your professional careers. From the many failures and much more success in my experience, I list below most important ones to help you.
rack every minute of yours. Like the diet conscious who wonders why the weight doesn’t come down and who forgets to add up the chips and the candy while counting calories, those who complain about not finding time are probably the ones with a lot of free time. Add up all your minutes meticulously from morning to night and be very honest about it. Our mind tends to shrink wasted time and exaggerate work hours. Keep it in check. Soon, you will realize that you actually spend more time on things you can either delay or delete. Why then, did you not do anything about it. May be instead of binge watching that show, stagger the viewing over two or three days this freeing up few hours a day! Read more.....