
People are supposed to equally manage things in their professional and personal life. If one fails to keep up with the other, resentments can lead to rifts, departures, and endings. Working for a specific time will be acceptable, but over-working will always have harmful effects.
Not only will the person suffer from health issues later down the line, but they will also be left alone. A simple truth of life is the fact that you might be slaving away for a job that doesn’t even care for you. You might just be another step in the corporate ladder.
Create Guilt
Spending time away from your loved ones makes it a lot harder to face them after a while. If you miss a child’s birthday, you will be sure of the fact that as soon as you get home, there will be someone disappointed and waiting to scold you for not making time for something important. This will build up guilt, and you might choose to work longer hours to avoid it. This is the worst decision to make and will cause strains and problems.
To avoid it, communication is important and should be consistent to avoid any misjudgments.
No Time Commitments
Once you start choosing work over your family and loved ones, there is a small possibility that things will go back to being the same. You will select the factor of self-satisfaction that comes from working rather than the emotional fulfillment that family gives.
A small mention of rifting relationships is mentioned in the book named, The Usual Table. A father and a husband starts to spend excessive time in his business and does not choose his own family despite being in love with the woman. This causes the wife to move away with their daughter.
Natasha felt trapped at home. Walter worked all hours and gave his family little support. The marriage broke up a year later, and Natasha took Anne with her when she left.”
Anthony paused to let the news sink in, and then continued his narrative. “Although the marriage had ended, Natasha was a staunch Catholic and wouldn’t agree to a divorce. She was unshakeable about it. Natasha and Anne went to live in Northern Ireland, where they still are today and your father visited them from time to time.
Other family secrets are also revealed later in the book.
Lesser Communications And More Issues
Once a person marries someone or simply forms some kind of relationship, they are bound to have some sort of communication in order to keep the relationship going. If this communication drops, there will be confusion, and either end will want answers.
The most common accusation made in such situation is when the person working overtime is accused of cheating. Though it may not be true, and the person is most likely very involved in their work, this can cause problems. Insecurities will form, and the partners are most likely to part ways after consistently being ignored for their wants and needs.