
Imagine this. A young editor of the magazine called the head of the design team one day. The magazine layout had been too conventional of late, so she suggested that he refer some contemporary magazines and study what’s the latest in design and incorporate some changes. Design lead: “I don’t need to do that. I know what a design is since I have studied in art school”, flatly refusing to acknowledge that design sensibilities had changed. He ended up relinquishing his position to a new member who constantly studied new designs and brought in freshness in layout. That is a classic example of a fixed mindset where people become rigid about their beliefs and knowledge and refuse to change. Such refusal for change when the time arises and growth results in stagnation of that person. Notions like “I don’t need to learn anything more” or “I am not young enough to do this, It’s of no use now” are ideas held like dogmas in the minds of such individuals. The rising and alarming numbers of people who give up on life is proof that one’s mindset shapes our future. While some people bounce back after repeated setbacks, some accept defeat at the slightest one. Growth mindset is like flowing water. It looks for ways to flow, thriving and nurturing on the way. People with a growth mindset are always eager to learn. Their vocabulary is also different. Show me, tell me more, let’s try it and see are the phrases they frequently use. These people believe that there is much more to learn than what a person can possibly know in his entire lifetime. The key difference between fixed mindset and growth mindset is that of possibilities. While one limits possibilities, the other thrives on it. Take a few common examples of situations with the vocabulary of the two which is poles apart. Read more....