
Body contouring involves the use of devices to tighten or reduce the skin's sagging skin contour. Body contouring includes the tightening of sagging skin on the face, neck, arms, chest, shoulders, and back and can also involve a reduction of the body's double chin. It can also include changes in the size and shape of the breasts and buttocks, resulting in a more feminine appearance and a more attractive physique.
Some of the most common are body contouring devices which include Body Sculpting Kits and Ultrasound Sculpting Devices. The body contouring devices includes Body Sculpting Kits which includes items such as the Body Sculpting Appliance, Body Sculpting Mask, and Deciding Plate. The Body Sculpting Appliance includes a removable plastic or foam pump that is used to apply the sculpting agent. The Body Sculpting Mask is similar to the Shape Fixing Mask but is worn over the entire facial area and provides a smooth, even application. The ultrasound transducer used in the Body Sculpting Devices transmits energy into the skin to cause it to contract.
Ultrasound Sculpting Devices is generally less expensive than BSDs and is used when no complete Body Contouring Device is required. Ultrasound is used for both face and body contouring. For the face, ultrasound waves are used to reduce facial crease, lines, wrinkles, and puffiness caused by the aging process.
Body contouring techniques like liposonix, vaser lipo, and lipoinjection are being used to create tighter and more toned muscles. Vaser Lipo uses selective laser therapy (SRT), which is ideal for eliminating fat. Vaser Lipo uses special liposonix (a solid dose of liposome) that is administered via skin intraluminal injection. It helps in stimulating the production of collagen and fat cells within the body. On the other hand, vaser lipo helps in the loss of unwanted fat in areas like hips, thighs, and buttocks. In contrast, life is designed to help the body reduce excess fatty deposits.