Using Restaurant Technology to Improve Customer Experiences
Using Restaurant Technology to Improve Customer Experiences
Using Restaurant Technology to Improve Customer Experiences

In recent years, the use of new technologies has revolutionized the gastronomic industry worldwide, helping to optimize all the processes that are part of restaurant management and significantly enriching the consumer experience.

An example is the Chili restaurant chain , which by simply implementing an iPad on the tables of its restaurants saw a 50% increase in coffee sales and a 20% increase in food sales.

If you have already taken the first step in creating unique recipes and what you are looking for is to consolidate and expand your brand, here we present 10 benefits that will show you why investing in technology for restaurants, like the voice order Ai, is essential to achieve success in your business:

1. Speed up the sale

Gone are the cash registers and spreadsheets. The technology for restaurants cannot be missed today. Now there is management and control software, which helps you keep track of sales, inventories, orders, recipes, and production areas, among its many functions.

In the United States, 81% of the investment in technology for restaurants goes to the Point of Sale (POS). The point of sale for restaurants is responsible for streamlining the processes where there is direct interaction with the customer, allowing daily transactions to be executed and valuable information to be obtained from each of the operations that are recorded.

With the help of various add-ons, such as the barcode reader, your restaurant workers will be able to collect orders quickly and easily. In addition, you will be able to generate an automated record that will allow you to keep track of sales in real time.

Youssef M., who has worked as a waiter for more than 10 years in the restaurant sector, describes the points of sale as "useful, practical, and allow you to have everything in order, in addition to helping you generate statistics that you can use to implement new strategies."

2. Satisfy the customer

The implementation of restaurant technologies will allow you to put together all kinds of packages and combos, as well as communicate the specifications requested by the client to the various areas of the restaurant, thus ensuring that each delivery is carried out satisfactorily.

According to data from the OpenTable application , 67% of restaurant reservations in Mexico are made through apps , which indicates that consumers are increasingly using these technological tools and that they are essential even before arriving to the restaurant.

3. Improve communication between the areas

With the support of technology, workers will be able to register orders with direct communication to the kitchen, thus allowing each order to be transmitted correctly and speeding up production times.

4. Develop loyalty programs

Can you imagine having hundreds of fans of your restaurant? Through technology you can develop a scheme that allows you to create loyalty among your best customers and give them various rewards for their preference. For example, generating a membership card that gives them a balance of points for each visit, special promotions or slices of cake on their birthdays.

With this, you will also be able to generate a database and obtain statistics of various kinds for decision making.

5. Cut costs


Restaurant software will allow you to automate various sales processes, preventing employees from having to perform a large number of minor tasks and optimizing working time to the maximum, which translates into less expenses in salaries and sales volume.