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Many companies work on the project to launch or re-launch their site. These projects can take 6 months, 8 months, or even years! In my experience I have seen how companies delay the official launch of the site due to issues related to the stock of photos, pending content to be produced, among other things that are really simple to solve and do not justify the delay they generate.
Nayeli González and Jorge Romo, Operations Director and General Director of Narrative Studio respectively, are the leaders of our sister company and partner with whom we collaborate on our clients' web development projects. They helped us determine some of the components of a web development project and how they determine the investment of the project.
Many companies question the need to purchase a CMS. Although it has its limitations, a CMS is easy to maintain, since changes can be made without the need to go to a programmer, make integrations in a simple way, among many other things. The only limitation that a CMS presents, according to the experts at Narrative Studio, is the commitment to work with a layout or a certain structure already determined.
Some CMS examples:
Wordpress (Free Open Source)
HubSpot (Starts at $ 300 / month)
Drupal (Free Open Source)
Joomla (Free Open Source)
Custom (Price varies)
Squarespace (Starts at $ 12 / month)
You may wonder why software like HubSpot is worth $ 300 vs. any other free CMS? Well HubSpot offers many non-programmer friendly features, includes built-in on-site lead capture methods without the need to program anything to enable them, and offers (among many other features) security monitoring and threat detection.
Site Type
Are you going to have a page that needs an online product catalog ? Are you going to sell on your site? This of course raises the cost of creating a page per product and integrating the transactional part of the shopping cart.
Maybe you just want to sell certain things; for example, courses, a specific product / service or asking for donations. This also implies an additional expense since a payment gateway is required for the bank. To reduce the investment amount, it is convenient to incorporate the PayPal payment system to make the transactional part easier.
If your site is merely informative, it is important not to convert it into a space with static content. To be effective, you must create a means where your potential clients can go to solve their doubts and help them determine if they are the right solution for them, always being transparent, this is something very important.
"Considering that now sites need to be responsive, and that the consumption of information on desktop is different from mobile, design plays a very important role in site design, because if it is not done properly, it can make the site look like an old site even though it has been redesigned "- says Nayeli.
Here, in the same way, it is important to consider the cost of producing images, videos or purchasing these elements depending on what you want to show on your site. "Photos and videos are the most important part of your site; it is what helps to dress it up."
We must dimension the number of sections that a site is going to have. Will you create a single layout and change the content, or is a different layout required for each section? What do we want users to see on our site?
Consider making a single layout for all your product / service pages and only modify the content, this way you can save on having a structure that guides you so as not to require a new programmer and designer for each product / service section. This is one of the main advantages of using a CMS, you abandon the expert and only feed the content into the tool, without the need for an experienced programmer.
Are you looking to integrate an app or a portal for your users? Obviously, this takes off the cost of the site, although you can add it as another phase of the project and plan the cost of your investment.
With Growth Driven Design (I'll talk about this later) you can integrate these elements of the site that of course enrich the experience for your clients and potential clients.
Another point to consider is if the site is multi-lingual. Is the information going to be presented in the same way for people from one country to another? Who will produce the content for that language?
Consider your content strategy within the site to also include a blog for your users in the languages of your clients and potential clients.
Obviously this is something recurrent during the design of the site, so it is essential to create an organic positioning strategy that is aligned with your content marketing strategy to generate visibility, especially on new sites.
Don't forget that " keyword stuffing " or including a keyword just for the sake of including it, no longer works. Google's algorithm is so evolved today that it even penalizes these types of tactics. Look for your content to naturally solve the problems of your prospects, to answer their questions that they are seeking to be answered.
All this sounds like too much, but what is the alternative to be able to optimize the cost of the redesign or design of a website. The GDD or Growth Driven Design methodology allows organizations to incorporate Agile into their processes to reduce expenses and launch in the estimated time they planned to do so.
What is Growth Driven Design?
It is a methodology for web development that HubSpot created to optimize web development times and costs. Integrate "Lean" and "Agile" into your process to be highly efficient in time and data.
It is made up of three stages:
MVP ( Minimum Viable Product )
Continuous improvement
Nayeli y Jorge nos comentaron: "La metodología de Growth Driven Design permite evolucionar el diseño y contenido de un sitio de forma rápida y eficiente para que este se convierta en una ventaja competitiva en el mercado. Una vez conociendo la reacción de las audiencias que lo visitan, la evolución posterior se realiza con total certeza de lo que estas audiencias requieren. El contraste es cuando un sitio se rediseña para ser “perfecto” lo que causa múltiples retrasos, hasta el triple de tiempo originalmente planeado, y el costo del mismo se eleva exponencialmente, perdiéndose la ventaja competitiva que se pudo haber tenido."
They also mentioned that the problem of the price and execution of the GDD is really to make an organization understand the philosophy behind it, which is based on being able to launch an MVP to later have iterations. "At first everyone accepts it, but as the project progresses, everything becomes" indispensable. "The cost really lies in the administration of the project itself, since many times the requirements of multiple internal customer areas have to be organized and structured. On the other hand, the cost also depends on the MVP as well as the previously planned iterations, and the final vision of the client for their website. "
"It is currently very important to design the sites considering visitors with disabilities. Currently there are already checklists to comply with certain minimum standards (Americans with Disabilities Act Checklist) and we believe that it is a best practice that must already be integrated into any project. In addition , it is very important to correctly capture the company's offer in a differentiated way, so developing a business narrative that is “seductive” is essential. "
"Finally, creativity aligned with business objectives is key for us so that when the site is finished, it has that element of 'wowness' that is also necessary today."
If you are interested in learning more about GDD or how much it costs to develop a website, contact us . Tell us, has a redesign project ever gotten out of hand in your organization?
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