What does a professional liability underwriter do?
What does a professional liability underwriter do?
Beyond deciding whether or not the policy is approved, professional liability underwriters also set the terms and conditions of the policy.

A professional liability insurer works as an employee of an insurance company. The primary function of the liability underwriter is to assess the risk of providing insurance to a particular customer. Ultimately, the professional liability insurer decides whether to approve or reject the applicant's policy.

Beyond deciding whether or not the policy is approved, professional liability underwriters also set the terms and conditions of the policy. The insurer establishes these terms and conditions so that the applicant receives the type of insurance policy that he needs, but also limits the amount of risk that the insurance company assumes, in case the insurance company has to pay.


Professional liability insurers do a great deal of research to access the applicant's risk. These insurers also rely on a lot of research, statistics, information, and data that other professionals provide to the liability underwriter. The professional liability insurer uses all of this information as the basis for making the decision to approve or reject the insurance policy and to establish the terms and conditions of the policy.


Risk and underwriting software programs exist to help a professional liability underwriter collect and evaluate information and data quickly and easily. The information the underwriter takes into consideration depends on the type of insurance policy the applicant is applying to receive.

For example, when an applicant applies for health insurance, the professional liability insurer must review the personal characteristics, habits, and behaviors of the person applying for health insurance. This means that the applicant's age, medical history, family health history, and lifestyle, such as smoking and drinking habits, will be reviewed. The more risks the applicant has, the greater the chance that the applicant will receive a denial. If not denied, less favorable terms and conditions of the policy may be, such as a higher deductible, a higher premium, or exclusion of coverage.

The specific duties and responsibilities of a professional liability underwriter may also vary depending on the type of company or type of insurance company the underwriter works for. The most common types of professional liability insurers are found in companies such as property and casualty insurance, mortgages, health insurance, and life insurance. In general, professional liability underwriters consider the risk of a company writing a policy, but there may be some industry-specific tasks that each insurer must meet, as well as company policies and procedures that may vary from company to company.


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