
Deadline pressures, production bottlenecks, and long work weeks are the direct challenges within the process. With the involvement of NFTs in gaming, the sector is on an all-time rise, leaving people wondering how this process pan out?!
Here, I’m shedding light on NFT gaming platform development:
Planning The NFT Game
Before the designers and developers work on their table, someone has to ideate the game’s concept, right?
In this stage, you’ll have to answer these questions:
What type of NFT game are you producing? Is it an arcade game or trading card game, or a builder game?
Will it be 2D or 3D?
What are its key features?
Who is the game’s target player base?
The backbone of the NFT gaming platform development will be the idea that a gaming company comes up (with). It may not appear so, but conceptualizing the NFT game is one of the most difficult aspects of game creation.
Decide on The Blockchain
The blockchain network finds a quintessential role since we’re talking about NFT gaming development. The blockchain network facilitates the transfer of in-game assets, monetizing opportunities, storing rewards (as NFTs), and more. It’s a must to build your NFT gaming platform on a blockchain, like how Axie Infinity was built on Ethereum.
Focus on The Production
The production stage consumes most of the time, effort, and resources spent on NFT game development.
Whether audio design works (without any hassles) to ensure the sound is authentic.
Project managers set milestones and sprint schedules to ensure that all departments and team members are held accountable. It is especially crucial if a publisher checks in for status updates frequently.
Testing Phase
For quality assurance, every feature and mechanic in the game must be tested. An NFT game (without extensive testing) is like a make-or-break scenario that can leave you in tantrums.
Playtest is the process used by most NFT gaming solutions to test the platform for bugs and flaws.
In addition to resolving issues, developers would typically polish the game as much as possible before it was released. Maybe that mountain range might be made bigger. The character's leather straps should be a little more tactile.
Fancy Developing an NFT Game?
I hope you understand the ebbs and flows of developing a full-fledged NFT gaming platform. NFT gaming development is a tedious process even for experienced development companies.