Safetree: A one-stop destination for all your insurance needs
Safetree: A one-stop destination for all your insurance needs
Safetree is one of the most trusted and top health insurance companies, offering need-based basic insurance plansand innovative insurance solutions to help customers pick the right plans andmitigate the risks of insurance products

Safetree: A one-stop destination for all your insurance needs

Safetree is one of the most trusted and top health insurance companies, offering need-based basic insurance plansand innovative insurance solutions to help customers pick the right plans andmitigate the risks of insurance products. We offer technology-based innovativeinsurance solutions that help the citizens of the country to stay protectedeven in times of financial crisis. Safetree is a one-stop solution for all yourinsurance needs with amazing benefits that include Innovative & Customizedsolutions, Secure & transparent, Regular updates on the changing nature ofrisk, Strengthening your protection, Assistance in Claim Process, Expertadvice, round the clock customer support, knowledgeable insurance agents andmuch more. You can purchase our insurance plans online through our website, ourall in one mobile application, or offline through our health insurance broker depending on your requirement.


We at Safetree, help customersto shift from reactive to proactive decision making through Risk Awareness, Risk Janampatri, a tool analyses the customer'sRisk Profile on certain parameters, and Customized Solution. To pick your idealinsurance plan within your budget, we help you to customize the plan as peryour need. From health insurance plans, home insurance, two-wheeler insuranceto travel, and life insurance, you will find everything in one place i.eSafetree insurance.


If you wish to join our insurance family, grab our employmentopportunity i.e become a Safetree insurance agent.  Here is what you need to do if you want to become Safetree general insuranceagent;


●      VisitSafetree online website or download our mobile application

●      Click onRegister as Risk Expert

●      Fill in thedetails and enroll yourself

●      Thenreceive the training for our experts

●      Clear thecertification


On clearing the certification you will be able to sell our basicinsurance plans to the customers and generate income in the form ofcommissions. Visit our website today!


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