Don't spend your precious summertime in stores when you can win a $300 back to school shopping spree for your future scholar from Mia Belle Girls! Be sure to leave your comments below. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning!
Hey Mia Belle Squad,
Our Early Bird Back to School Giveaway is here!
Build her dream wardrobe for the upcoming school year!
YOU have the chance to win a $300 Mia Belle Girls Gift Card!
Want to win? Follow the steps below:
Follow Us! Mia Belle Girls V.I.P. Group on Facebook (if you aren't already)
Comment your top 3 favorite looks!
OPTIONAL: Extra Comments = Extra Entries! Unlimited Entries, Keep Commenting!
Giveaway Runs 6/27/22-6/30/22
Winner will be announced 7/1/22!
Must be following the Mia Belle Girls V.I.P page and leave a comment for entry to count!
Must live in the U.S and be 18 Years or Older
This giveaway is separate from the other socials. Meaning it's a whole new way to win! Good luck everyone!Don't spend your precious summertime in stores when you can win a $300 back to school shopping spree for your future scholar from Mia Belle Girls! Be sure to leave your comments below. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning!