
How to grow long lashes?
Eyelashes matter.Here’s a complete guide for growing longer lashes without expensive treatmentsand mascaras.
Eyelashes frameyour facial features. They are an important sign of health. And who doesn’twant to look beautiful and healthy at the same time? Well, where to even begin?You might’ve heard about a lot of procedures to make your eyelashes longer andshinier, but they probably cost a little too much. Here’s our complete yet cheap guide to yourdream lashes.
Petroleum Jelly
Utilize petroleumjelly, or vaseline, to moisturize dry eyelashes overnight.
Utilize an oldyet clean mascara brush, dip it in vitamin E or castor oil and brush youreyelashes with it for 5 to 10 minutes to hydrate your lashes to stimulate cellsof your lash hair follicles.
Utilize a cleanbrush or your fingers to apply different types of oils like olive oil, coconutoil or castor oil on your eyelashes to nourish them. These oils containessential amino acids to improve the growth of lash hair follicles.
Generic Latisse (Bimatoprost)
Generic Latisse is considered the best and most effective optionfor eyelashes growth. The product is considered to be safe and effectiveoption.
A good diet is amust to achieve shinier, longer and lusher lashes. Eat foods that contain a lotof amino acids, vitamins, proteins and fatty acids like fish, meat, nuts,fruits and vegetables.
Green Tea
Green tea isknown to be rich in antioxidants that promote the growth of hair. Prepare a cupof green tea, dip a cotton swab in it and apply it on your eyes.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is afamous remedy for strengthening and nourishing hair. Take a fresh leaf of aloevera, squeeze out the gel and apply it on your eyelashes overnight.
Massage booststhe circulation of blood, thereby, promoting the growth of hair. Massage youeyelashes daily for 3 to 5 minutes, either by utilizing a small amount of oils,vaseline or aloe gel.
Egg Mask
Eggs are rich invitamins and biotin, and both of them are known to strengthen hair. Take asmall amount of egg yolk or egg white, mix it with olive oil and apply it onyour eyelashes for 10 to 15 minutes twice a week.
Growth Serums
There are a lotof growth serums available in the market to boost the growth of eyelashes. Theymay also be available at affordable rates