
We are never truly more alive than when we live in a state of constant awe of everything that exists in the universe. The very fact that anything exist at all is a miracle. Life itself is a miracle. It is a gift that we are here and to be aware of our being here. It is also a gift that everything else is also here for us to know and experience it. Every moment that passes, the continual existence of all things in the universe is a continual miracle that we are experiencing.
It is a miracle that the sun continues to shine everyday, the earth continues to rotate on its axis, the birds continue to sing in the morning, the trees and flowers continue to grow, everyone continues to awaken after sleeping, and the person you love is there to answer when you call. As long as there is life, there is wonder, beauty and love to experience. Never think for one moment that it should be all there for you, because it doesn't have to. It is all there because it is miraculously created.
When we live life with a consciousness that everything is a miracle, we are in a constant state of gratitude and wonder. We do not take existence for granted and we are thankful for every opportunity to experience what life has to offer. Nothing is insignificant of our interest and we see how all things have their place in the entire workings of the universe. Every moment is a blessing and we value each event as a gift to partake of the expressions of others as well as ourselves.
If everything is a miracle, then what makes you think that miracles are so rare and so hard to experience? They are happening all the time and whatever miracle you want can happen for you when you believe. The reason why we are not conscious of miracles is because we have been led to think that only certain kinds of things that happen are miracles. But when we know that miracles are more than what we define them to be, the world of miracles opens up for us.
Anything you desire can be created. There is nothing too difficult for the universe to do. It is as easy and natural for the sun to rise as it is for the thing you want to come into realization. The supernatural and the natural operates the same way, except on different planes of reality. What we call natural is what we can see operating in the visible realm. But what is supernatural operates in the invisible realm which we cannot see but must understand.
All things that function in the visible world are controlled by the invisible world. It is what we cannot see that governs what we do see. Before the appearance of a seedling from the ground, there was an image of a tree contained within the seed. The end of a thing is contained in the beginning of it. Everything that appears in the visible world was first created in the invisible world. The invisible world is the mind of the universe. The consciousness that contains all things.
What you are seeing in the visible world is not all there is. If you feel that what you desire is not there, you can always create it. Although no one else sees it, you can see it in your mind. Believe that it is there already even when you can't see it yet. Others might say that it is impossible, but you know that possibility doesn't exist in the visible but in the invisible realm. What is seen isn't possibility a course in miracles teacher reality. Only those who see the invisible can create the impossible.
The reason why we don't experience certain things we desire as much as we want to is because we think that those are special cases that happen only once in a while. But when we realize that miracles are happening all the time and not just some of the time, we can believe that those things that we think of as rare events, can happen like the sun rising every morning and the planets spinning around it.
When we believe that something already exists even when it's not in the visible world yet, we are able to create from nothing. A miracle is created and set in motion the moment you think and believe it. The more conscious you are of the miracles that happen in your life, the more you attract such experiences. Rejoice and be grateful for every good thing that happens to you and your world will be an abundance of miracles.