Care of Pearls: Learn the Cleaning Basics of Pearls
Care of Pearls: Learn the Cleaning Basics of Pearls
Every woman deserves a pearl. If she believes she's a queen, she needs lots of them. Many pearl jewelry is made through pearl stringing; thus, they need extra care when handling.

Every woman deserves a pearl. If she believes she's a queen, she needs lots of them. Many pearl jewelry is made through pearl stringing; thus, they need extra care when handling. But just as they are gorgeous, they're also delicate. So, you need to know the care and cleaning tips to keep your pearls glowing for a long time.

How to Clean Your Pearls

One of the easiest ways to keep your pearls glowing is to clean them. However, it would help if you took care of the pearl stringing because that's where the gem's weakness lies. Below are the best ways to clean your pearl jewelry. 

Wipe After Wearing

Pearls are delicate.So you don't want to keep dipping it in water every time. So, to ensure you keep it clean, you should wipe it with a soft cotton cloth after wearing it.This technique ensures that your pearls are free from any buildup from oil and dust. 

Cleaning With a Damp Cloth

After wearing your pearls for some time, you might notice some stains on the gem and the pearl stringing. It is an indication that it needs more cleaning than just wiping.Here, we advise you to use a gift damp cloth to clean your pearls. Use luke warm water and mild soap to dampen your cloth. Be gentle when cleaning the pearl. 

NB; you should let your jewelry dry before you store it. Moisture can damage the gemstone and thepearl stringing. 

Take the Pearls to A Jeweler Once a Year

Suppose you are in love with your pearls; they become your go-to jewelry pieces. All your body oils and -sometimes- sweat can damage the silk used in pearl stringing.Jewelers can examine the condition of your pearl jewelry. They also do a thorough,safe cleaning at a fee. 

Pearl Maintenance Tips

Besides cleaning, you should have care tips to maintain your pearls. Here are the easy steps you spud take to keep your pearls in good condition. 

Use Last On, First Off Technique

The primary cause of damage to jewelry is when they scratch each other. If you want to avoid this,then you should take off first the pieces you wore last. It eliminates any chances of the jewelry from scratching against each other. 

Store Them Flat

Avoid hanging pearl sat all costs. When you fix the pearls, you are exerting strain on the silk used for pearl stringing. Lay them flat so that the silk can hold your pearls for an extended time. 

Have a Separate Space o Sore Pearl Jewelry

Pearls are delicate when you store them with other gems and metal. You are exposing them to scratches and breakage. Diamonds are notorious for damaging pearls. Thus, for you to keep your dainty pearls safe, secure a secluded space for them. 

Wear Them Often

Pearls grow in a living thing. Thus, to keep them in the right conditions, they need moisture.Since you cannot store the pearls in a moist environment, you need to wear them often. That way, you give them water from your body. Also, it gives you a chance to wipe them more often. 


What to Avoid

  • Do not wear pearls when engaging in vigorous activities.
  • Do not submerge pearl jewelry in water. 
  • Never use ultrasonic cleaners on pearls; They cause fractures and damage the pearl's outer layer. 
  • Do not use harsh chemicals like hair spray, makeup, perfumes, etc., near pearls.


Pearl stringing helps jewelers create cute pearl jewelry. Thus, ensure you care for the silk. The tips above will keep your pearls glowing for ages.