What Are The Christianity Concepts Of Life After Death?
What Are The Christianity Concepts Of Life After Death?
SUMMARY: Life after death, also popularly known as the afterlife, is a belief that a part of a person's consciousness and identity keeps living after they die physically. The part that keeps living is believed to be an individual's soul or spirit. Find out below the concepts of the afterlife.

What Are The Christianity Concepts Of Life After Death?

Life after death is interpreted differently in different cultures and religions. According to

most believers in the afterlife, existence happens in a spiritual realm, or sometimes the

individual becomes reborn into the world again. Once the person is reborn, they go through

the circle of life afresh as a newborn child would. They will not remember their previous life

or have any idea about who they were before. In this article, we will discuss some concepts

of life after death.

1. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Most Christians believe in the afterlife based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They

believe that when Jesus was crucified and died on the cross, he atoned for the sins of the

world. After three days, Jesus was resurrected and was seen by his disciples. This shows

that Jesus became victorious after his sacrifice over sin and death.

As much as people still die physically, believers of Christ who live according to His laws will

be given another life. When Jesus rose from the dead, he came with a body. This concept

provides Christians the idea that they will still have a life and a body after death, just like

that Of Jesus.

2. Heaven

Almost all Christians believe that when they die, they are taken to heaven in the presence

of God. This is where they will be judged according to the deeds they didn't do or did in

their life. If your deeds are found to be good, then you will be allowed to stay in heaven

with God and the angels. Online Christian colleges have a lot of these teaching with better

elaborations and meanings.

3. Judgment

Most Christians believe that once you die and go to heaven, you will have to face the

judgment immediately, while others believe that there is a special day of Judgement when

the time ends. This is when everyone will be judged together at the same time. For some,

there is the personal judgment which is the initial one and the definitive judgment that will

happen at the end of everything on earth.

4. Hell

Christians believe that God gave people free will, which means you can either choose God

or reject Him. This brings the idea of hell into the picture. Hell is envisioned as a place of

eternal fire with pain and suffering. This is where Christians believe that if you don’t choose

God, you will end up in. However, according to the Roman Catholics, they believe that there

is a place in the afterlife called Purgatory. This is where sinners are cleansed with the

cleansing fire and then are accepted into heaven.

On the other hand, most Christian teachings and believers do not accept the concept of

purgatory. They only believe that you either go into heaven and live eternally with God

once the judgment is done or go into hell for eternal torcher and pain. Some of these

teachings will find them easily in the online Christian colleges where the Apostles Creed is

studied and interpreted accordingly.

5. Eternal Life

According to Jesus’ promise to his disciples, those who follow him will have eternal life and

that He came to earth so that humans can overcome death and live forever. According to

most Christians, everyone who has died will be raised in a new world at the end of time.

Another way to view this is when Jesus told the thief who was next to him that he would go

to paradise with him. This shows the immortality of the soul, which also explains the

concept of life after death. The soul does not die; instead, it advances to the next stage of

life to keep living.

Christians and other believers of the afterlife have different interpretations of the same.

According to Christians, it simply means that they will still exist spiritually after they die and

the physical body is destroyed. Also, when Jesus was about to die, He told his disciples that

he was going to prepare a place for them. And that he will come back to take them to be

with Him where he is. However, different beliefs, cultures, and religions have different

interpretations and concepts regarding life after death.