
It takes about 20 months to get their driver's licence. But after receiving, they can lose driving privileges for several serious violations.
For example, if you leave the scene of an accident and exceed the speed limit several times, the authorities will revoke your driver's licence. Of course, you have the right to restore it after a while. To do this, you need to contact any Service Ontario Center and pass all the necessary tests and exams.
Statistics show that even experienced drivers don't always understand why they received a high fine or demerit points. The Ontario authorities will cancel the driver's licence already for 15+ points. How many demerit points do you start with? Once you get the G license, your driving record has 0 points. If you violate traffic laws, you will receive the corresponding number of points. Yes, demerit points depend on the severity of the violation.
For example, 7 points for leaving the scene of an accident, 4 points for slightly speeding, 2 points for not wearing a seat belt, etc. Thus, the best way to keep your driver's licence is to not violate road traffic regulations and know the Demerit Point System. Of course, the driver must be attentive and focused while driving.
Unfortunately, most car accidents are due to distracted drivers. People eat/drink, talk, use a smartphone, etc. while driving. It’s unacceptable! The distracted driver cannot correctly assess the traffic situation. This behavior leads to sad consequences. Therefore, the Ontario authorities are tightening the legislation for distracted drivers, quickly revoking their driver's licences.