Best Schools in North Bangalore
Best Schools in North Bangalore
Top Schools in North Bangalore, India - JHS is one of the Top Day Boarding School with extended day care center located in Hebbal.

Best Schools in North Bangalore

Eligibilityfor School Admissions             

GradeIV to VIII

Students promoted to the subsequent classare eligible for admission on submission of Transfer / School LeavingCertificate (TC) duly countersigned by the appropriate authority and the markssheet of the lower class. TC if not submitted at the time of joining, is to besubmitted within 30 days of joining, failing which the student is liable forwithdrawal.


Students who have studied three languagesin Grade VIII are admitted to Grade IX upon submission of TC duly countersignedby an appropriate authority. The Last date for admission to Grade IX is 10thAugust, the last date for registration with CBSE.


Name of the student will be registered onreceipt of the application form duly completed, including the medical form. Thefilled application form together with all relevant documents may be sent at theaddress mentioned below:

JainHeritage School

AnjaneyaTemple Street, Kempapura,


Karnataka,India- 560 024

P:080 2362 6122/123


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