
We explain what scientific knowledge is and what its general characteristics are. Also, what is the scientific method and more?
What is scientific knowledge?
Scientific knowledge is that which arises from applying a structured procedure known as the scientific method. In essence, the scientific method is based on the formulation of a hypothesis and subsequent experimentation, in order to put it to the test, and then, through the conclusions, accept or discard it, thus producing this type of knowledge.
Scientific knowledge is often presented in opposition to empirical knowledge, understanding the latter as knowledge based on experience or "doing", including trial and error. While practically all people throughout their life experience access empirical knowledge in one way or another, access to scientific knowledge requires special preparation.
Scientific knowledge requires specialized and technical language, and in certain fields, it also requires elements of symbolization. Accuracy and consistency are essential requirements in the scientific communication process.
Characteristics of scientific knowledge :
A scientific thought serves as the basis for the one that follows and so on so that a chain of observations and reasoning leads to new knowledge.
This is an essential requirement, there must be the necessary methodology to establish the degree of certainty or accuracy of what that knowledge affirms. It is impersonal.
Regardless of the place or time, what scientific knowledge indicates is fulfilled.
No one doubts today that scientific knowledge transforms societies and their ways of life.
Scientific knowledge is normally accessed by decomposing the whole into its elements or parts, in order to simplify the approach and thus discover underlying relationships and internal mechanisms.
Once you have thoroughly analyzed the parts of the problem, you must be able to relate them to formulate a comprehensive idea.
Science analyzes phenomena and situations because it is impossible to think of a science of the universal.
The ultimate goal of scientific knowledge is to try to understand and explain facts by formulating laws or principles.
Scientific knowledge must be able to be expressed in such a way that others can understand it.
Clings to the facts as they are and are presented.
It abstracts from any effective element and only attends to questions of reason.
Scientific knowledge should not be taken as definitive or immutable, as they maintain their validity as long as there are no new scientific investigations that question them & content writing services.
Scientific knowledge is a process that is constantly fed back, the search for a rational explanation of the surrounding reality and the possibility of predicting future events is its main engine.
It is only possible to generate scientific knowledge if you have adequate methods and critical thinking, not tied to preconceptions or particular interests.