
There is a higher risk of inefficiency and committing mistakes with handwritten prescriptions. These inefficiencies and errors can have costly penalties and even be hazardous to the patient's health. Hospital software that allows medical staff to digitally prescribe will help to reduce the inefficiencies and mistakes.
E-prescriptions are an efficient tool to share the prescription with the patients and pharmacies digitally for record and easy access. An online hospital management system helps track and record; the treatment and prescription, for a larger medical database.
Healthcare professionals globally are implementing these systems to enhance the reliability and security of prescriptions.
What are the Advantages of Digital Prescriptions?
Minimize Pharmaceutical Errors:
No pun intended, but we all know that most of our hardworking doctor’s handwriting can be only understood by pharmacists. In comparison to handwritten prescriptions, digital ones are more precise and clear about the treatment and the dosage. A clear and precise prescription will require less time to interpret. This solution will minimize prescription errors substantially.
Hospital management software that prescribes medicines digitally; will give the patients concise information about instructions on how to take the medicines. Taking a medicine dose incorrectly at the wrong time might hamper the patient’s health.
Immediate Clinical Alert:
In many emergency room cases, the cause of the visit to the emergency room is due to adverse drug events (ADEs). The core reason for ADEs is the allergies due to drugs, interaction with the treatment, high dosage, and overuse of a specific medicine. Electronic health records (EHR) will give the medical staff an overview of the patient's present and past medical history.
The best hospital management software will immediately notify the medical professionals about the possible prescription interactions with other treatments. The notification will prevent doctors from prescribing medicines that the patient might have allergies to.
The advanced hospital management systems will alert the medical professionals about duplicate treatment therapies. It is an effective tool to avoid over-prescription for the same medical ailment.
Read More here : Benefits of E-Prescribing in the Healthcare Industry