
Here’s how marketing automation can give marketers predictive superpowers
By Jason VandeBoom, Founder and CEO, ActiveCampaign
Marketers Say Predicting Customer Behavior is More Valuable
Marketers Say Predicting Customer Behavior is More Valuable than Winning Lottery Numbers
Here’s how marketing automation can give marketers predictive superpowers
By Jason VandeBoom, Founder and CEO, ActiveCampaign
For marketers, being able to accurately predict how and when to best reach customers to drive the most sales would be a dream come true. In fact, according to a recent ActiveCampaign poll, more marketers say they’d rather be able to predict customer behavior than forecast the winning lottery numbers.
But unfortunately for most, both can be a gamble. We spend exorbitant amounts of money, time, and effort to get it right with customers only part of the time. And not only is it difficult and inefficient for us, but it’s also less than ideal for customers. How many times have you personally received a discount offer from a brand or for a product you’ve just purchased days or even hours before?
If only there was a way to predict when customers are most likely to buy, the best time to send messages, and over what channel to drive the best result for both buyer and seller. What if we could treat every customer as if they’re the most important one, whether we have 10 customers or 10 million.