
Succulents are the plants that require very little water for their survival. They have thick and fleshy leaves and have water filled inside them. These plants require very little growth and maintenance and Survive well in cool and dry climate.
Why my succulents die:
There are 3 main reasons for dying of succulents:
1. Overwatering: The plant require very less water for its growth and development. Succulents plants have water filled inside them and if more amount of water is added to plants the condition of root rot arise in plants due to overwatering. Succulents are watered once in 12 -15 days and they are drought resistant plants. In spring and summers succulents grow the best and winters they go to dormant condition.
2. Slow draining soil: The soil should have proper drainage in them to make best growth of plants for their survival. The mixture should be made for the plant to grow properly with an adequate amount of sand (30 %) + soil (20 %) +. Vermicompost (30 %) + perlite (20 %). If you are thinking for a more brilliant potting mix you can go for cinder (70 %) + vermicompost (30 %) which is best for succulents and adeniums. If mixture is hard and hard pan in the soil is created it can damage our plants.
Temperature: The best temperature for succulents come with the warmer regions. Too cold climate can harm the succulents similarly too hot areas also harm the plants. Temperature play an important role in growth and development of plants.