The ‘Antibody Drug Conjugates Market (5th Edition), 2019-2030’ report - Roots Analysis
The ‘Antibody Drug Conjugates Market (5th Edition), 2019-2030’ report - Roots Analysis
The ‘Antibody Drug Conjugates Market (5th Edition), 2019-2030’ report features an extensive study of the current market landscape, offering an informed opinion on the likely adoption of these therapeutics over the next decade.

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Key Inclusions

§  A detailed assessment of thecurrent market landscape of ADCs, providing information on drug developer(s)and technology provider(s), phase of development (marketed, clinical andpreclinical / discovery stage) of lead candidates, target antigen, type oflinker, type of payload / warhead / cytotoxin, type of antibody, antibodyorigin, antibody isotype, type of therapy (monotherapy and combinationtherapy), combination drug (if being evaluated as combination therapy), targetindication(s), line of treatment, route of administration and dosing frequency.

§  Elaborate profiles of theclinical stage companies (shortlisted based on phase of development of the leaddrug) and their respective product portfolios; each profile features anoverview of the company, its financial information (if available), detailedinformation on advanced stage pipeline candidates (featuring a drug overview,clinical development plan and key clinical trial results) and an informedfuture outlook.

§  An analysis of the most commonlytargeted therapeutic indications and details of ADC candidates being developedagainst them, highlighting key epidemiological facts about the diseases andcurrently available treatment options, other than ADCs.

§  A list of key opinion leaders(KOLs) within this domain, featuring detailed 2X2 matrices to assess therelative experience of key individuals, who were shortlisted based on theircontributions (in terms of involvement in various clinical studies) to thisfield. It also includes a schematic world map representation, highlighting thegeographical locations of eminent scientists / researchers engaged in thisdomain. In addition, it presents an analysis assessing the credibility and(relative) level of expertise of different KOLs, based on number of publications,number of citations, number of clinical trials, number of affiliations andstrength of professional network (based on information available on LinkedIn).

§  An insightful competitivenessanalysis of biological targets, featuring a [A] three-dimensional bubblerepresentation that highlights the targets that are being evaluated for ADCdevelopment, taking into consideration the number of lead molecules based on aparticular target, phase of development of candidate therapies, number ofclinical trials and number of target disease indications, and [B] afive-dimensional spider-web analysis, highlighting the most popular biologicaltargets based on a number of relevant parameters, including affiliatedpublications, grants received to support research on a particular target,number of industry players involved in drug development efforts based on asingular target and geographical distribution of associated clinical trials.

§  An analysis of the partnershipsthat have been established in the recent past, covering R&D collaborations,licensing agreements (specific to technology platforms and product candidates),product development and commercialization agreements, clinical trialagreements, manufacturing agreements, mergers and acquisitions, manufacturingand service agreements, and other relevant agreements.

§  An analysis of the investmentsmade, including seed financing, venture capital financing, debt financing,grants, capital raised from IPOs and subsequent offerings, at various stages ofdevelopment in companies that are focused on developing ADCs.

§  An in-depth analysis of thevarious patents that have been filed / granted related to ADCs till May 2019.It includes information on key parameters, such as patent type, publicationyear, geographical location, issuing authority, assigned CPC symbol, emergingfocus areas and leading industry / academic players (in terms of size ofintellectual property portfolio). It also includes a patent benchmarkinganalysis and a detailed valuation analysis.

§  A study of the various grantsthat have been awarded to research institutes engaged in projects related toADCs, between 2011 and 2019 (till April), highlighting various importantparameters, such as year of award, support period, amount awarded, fundinginstitute, grant type, focus area, type of recipient organization, key projectleaders, key regions and leading recipient organizations.

§  An elaborate discussion on thevarious strategies that can be adopted by the drug developers across keycommercialization stages, namely prior to product launch, during / post launch,including a timeline representation of the key strategies adopted by drugdevelopers for the commercialization of their proprietary products.

§  An analysis of the keypromotional strategies that have been adopted by the developers of marketedproducts, namely POLIVY™, LUMOXITI™, BESPONSA®, MYLOTARG™, KADCYLA® andADCETRIS®.

§  An assessment of the varioustherapeutics that are being evaluated in combination with ADCs. The study alsopresents the likely evolution of these therapeutics across differentindications.

§  A review of the evolution of ADCconjugation technologies, highlighting the various approaches that have beenadopted across different generations; in addition, it presents a review of theexisting competition between various conjugation approaches that are available/ under development.

§  An overview of the studiesconducted to better analyze non-clinical data and support first-in-human (FIH)dose selection in ADCs. The study presents findings from various ADC studies indifferent animal models. It also includes an analysis of the different methodsused in estimating FIH doses. In addition, it highlights the possible FIHstarting doses and estimated dose escalations required to reach human maximumtolerated dose (MTD).

§  An elaborate discussion onvarious factors that form the basis for the pricing of ADC products, featuringdifferent models / approaches that pharmaceutical companies may choose to adoptwhile deciding the price of their respective lead therapy candidates that arelikely to be marketed in the coming years.

§  A case study on manufacturing ofADCs, highlighting the key challenges, and a list of contract service providersthat are involved in this domain.

§  A case study on companiesoffering companion diagnostics that can potentially be used to make treatmentrelated decisions involving ADCs, providing information on the geographicallocation of key diagnostic developers, affiliated disease biomarkers, assaytechnique involved, target indication(s), the type of sample required (tumortissue, blood, bone marrow and others) and the drug candidates for which aparticular test was developed.


The report alsofeatures the likely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunityacross important market segments, mentioned below:

§ Type of Payload


§ DM4

§ Camptothecin

§ DM1


§ Others


§ Type of Linker

§ VC

§ Sulfo-SPDB


§ VA

§ Hydrazone

§ Others


§ Target Indication

§  Breast cancer

§  Lymphoma

§  Leukemia

§  Urothelial cancer

§  Lung cancer

§  Ovarian cancer

§  Others


§ Target Antigen

§ CD30

§ HER2

§ CD22

§ CD33

§ Others


§ Technology Providers

§ Seattle Genetics

§ ImmunoGen

§ StemCentRx

§ Immunomedics

§ Others


§ Key Geographical Regions

§ North America

§ Europe

§ Asia Pacific


Transcriptsof interviews held with the following senior level representatives ofstakeholder companies:

§ Alan Burnett(Professor, School of Medicine, Cardiff University)

§ Aldo Braca (Presidentand Chief Executive Officer) and Giorgio Salciarini (Technical BusinessDevelopment Senior Manager, BSP Pharmaceuticals)

§ Anthony DeBoer(Director, Business Development, Synaffix)

§ Christian Bailly(Director of CDMO, Pierre Fabre)

§ Christian Rohlff,(Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Oxford BioTherapeutics)

§ Denis Angioletti(Chief Commercial Officer, Cerbios-Pharma)

§ John Burt (ChiefExecutive Officer, Abzena)

§ Jennifer L. Mitcham(Director, SMARTag ADCs and Bioconjugates) and Stacy McDonald (Group ProductManager, Catalent Pharma Solutions)

§ Laurent Ducry (Headof Bioconjugates Commercial Development, Lonza)

§ Mark Wright (SiteHead, Piramal Healthcare)

§ Sasha Koniev (ChiefExecutive Officer & Co-Founder, Syndivia)

§ Tatsuya Okuzumi(Associate General Manager, Ajinomoto Bio-Pharma Services)

§ Toshimitsu Uenaka(Executive Director) and Takashi Owa (Chief Innovation Officer, Eisai)

§ Wouter Verhoeven(Chief Business Officer, NBE-Therapeutics)


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Key QuestionsAnswered

§  Whoare the leading industry and non-industry players engaged in this market?

§  Whoare the key ADC development and manufacturing technology providers?

§  Whatare the prevalent and upcoming trends related to ADC payload and linkers?

§  Whatare the new biologic target antigens being explored for ADC development?

§  Whoare the key / emerging CMOs, in different regions, that you can reach out tofor your manufacturing requirements?

§  Whoare the key investors in the ADC market?

§  Whatare the most prominent drugs / therapies being currently used in combinationwith ADCs?

§ What kind ofpartnership models are commonly adopted by ADC developers / manufacturers?

§  Whoare the key opinion leaders / experts who can support contemporary ADC developmentefforts?

§  Howis the current and future market opportunity likely to be distributed across keymarket segments?

§  Whatkind of commercialization and promotional strategies are being used by ADCdevelopers?



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