
Premature or early ejaculation (PE) is a common problem among men. Nearly one in every three men suffer from it sometime in their life. Even if there is no set time for ejaculation during sex, ejaculating during the foreplay or within a minute of sexual intercourse is considered to be premature. A major problem is the feeling of lack of control resulting from this condition. It is not only a cause for frustration and embarrassment in men but can also lead to sexual dissatisfaction in their female partners. But how one woman feels about this condition will be different from how another woman feels about it. So, there is no one fixed attitude, good or bad, related to PE among women. It is generally quite distressing and dissatisfying for women, sexually speaking. But it doesn’t necessarily affect the functioning of their relationship on other levels. This is so because, for women, satisfying sex includes not only penetration and ejaculation but also other stimuli like kissing and caressing.
However, it is important to keep in mind that the performance anxiety resulting due to PE may cause a man to ignore or fail at other forms of stimulation as well. This can be a problem for the relationship. Women having sexual intercourse with a partner who has a PE problem may start feeling rejected or ‘not good enough’ over time. They may even start questioning their own sexuality which can cause trauma. This will hold truer for women who don’t have trouble reaching the climax. On the other hand, women who rarely reach the climax don’t care much about how long the coitus lasts. Also, women who have experienced satisfying sex in their past relationships are more prone to taking PE in their current relationship more negatively. Another factor to be considered is how important sexual intimacy is for a woman. The more she values intimacy, the longer she would want intercourse to last because it builds a deeper bond. The average duration women prefer is about 23 minutes. In the long term, some women find being with a partner who has this condition problematic because it’s a threat to their desire for having children.
Therefore, there are women who deem creativity and versatility as the most important indicators of ‘good sex’ and women who find the duration of intercourse more important. Interestingly, several women prefer having sex with a man with PE over someone who is suffering from the problem of delayed ejaculation. Sex is a highly subjective experience and hence everyone will have their personal needs. So, the most important thing for a man is to pay attention to his partner’s needs and not get preoccupied with his PE issue. Communication is the key. Failing to open up to your female partner will breed misunderstanding, anger, and resentment in her. Eventually, it may lead to you two breaking up. So, if you’re suffering from PE that can potentially affect your relationship, Dr. William Henderson who is a physician at Hisblue suggests the use of Poxet 60 mg pill.
PE shouldn’t be left untreated because as evident, it can lead to more irritability and emotional distress. Moreover, it is advisable that the partner of a man with PE should take part in the treatment. Talking to a doctor about this problem and understanding it better will help her in reconciling with it. The treatment may include a mix of pharmacological, psychological, and behavioral approaches for both partners. Seeing PE as a problem that the couple (and not only the male partner) has will make it more manageable.
On the brighter side, some women are perfectly fine with having a partner with PE. So, if you are single and suffer from this problem, there is still hope. You just need to look for the right woman, one for whom PE doesn’t matter much. Sex isn’t a race where you’ve to constantly think about the end line, so give equal importance to foreplay. In the meanwhile, seek treatment because it is important for your self-esteem and relationship.