
There's a lot of talk right now in the fashion design world about green being the new black. But when it comes to knowing what really makes a garment environmentally friendly, people are a little, excuse the expression, green kimono dress
Behind the ears. So what is sustainable fashion, and how can you build a wardrobe that's truly green? While some might think that eco-friendly fashion just means clothing made with organic cotton or recycled yarns, there are many ways to have a green wardrobe - some simple, and some more complicated.
1. Keep what you already own. Really? Can it be that easy? Yes! Just because the clothes currently in your closet weren't eco-friendly to begin with doesn't mean you should throw them out and start from scratch. Wearing what you already own requires no new materials, no water or energy to produce it, and no shipping. It's the greenest thing you can do.
2. Don't wash them so much. Washing machines consume huge amounts of water and energy, while utilizing harsh detergents and chemicals that do the environment no favors. Try to wash full loads less frequently, and line dry if possible. And avoid dry cleaning if you can.
3. Buy pre-owned fashion. If you do want to buy something, shop vintage. When you buy used clothing, you're recycling it, saving it from the landfill. And it required no additional resources to produce it.
While some shopping behaviors, such as buying only fair trade merchandise, can be difficult and expensive, it's nice to know that some of the greenest things you can do for your wardrobe are actually easy and free.