
Erectile dysfunction drugs help males with poor penile erection to get a normal erection. This erection helps them to complete the sexual functions. Erectile dysfunction lowers the erection efficiency. It makes it difficult to have the erection strong enough for asexual act.
Erectile dysfunction drugs improve the blood circulation in the sexual organ to boost the erection. The lack of blood supply is the main cellular cause behind the erectile dysfunction. Drugs mix with the bloodstream to increase it. Viagra 100 mg is the preferred dosage for males. The side- effects are due to the increase in the blood circulation.
Side- effects of the erectile dysfunction drugs
All side- effects of the erectile dysfunction medications are when blood circulation increases in the body.Flushing, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, are some of the common side effects.Every male who uses the drugs, any erectile dysfunction drug, will get one of these side effects. In several cases, the side- effects come at the same time.It is possible that you will see all side- effects at the same time.
These side effects remain for the duration of the impact period. After the first hour, the intensity declines considerably. The side- effects never interfere in the ultimate objective. All side- effects come down to almost nil impact after the first ejaculation. They disappear without any intervention on their own.
The traces of the drugs go from the body after 24 hours. But before the elimination of the traces of the drugs,the side- effects disappear. The first time user will find it bit difficult to adjust to the gradually flushing, and a headache. But with occasional use of any erectile dysfunction drug, it becomes possible to not get affected by the drugs.
The impact period of sildenafi land vardenafil is same 4 -5 hours. The vardenafil, the active ingredient of levitra 40mg is a strongest drug, butits impact period is also close to 4 hours. After this period, the strength ofthe drug comes down to half the original level. The side- effects also comedown with it.
The tadalafil, the activeingredient of the cialis, has a long impact period of 36 hours. If you are an elderand senior male, then avoid cialis drug. Its side effects remain longer thanother drugs. Though, lower dose of the cialis5mg is used by seniors on the daily basis. It keeps their blood circulationin optimum range. But the higher dosage of the cialis could cause back pain, etc.This is due to long impact period of the drug.
Avoid interaction like normal drugs
Like any medicine, erectile dysfunction medicines demand some precautions in usages. The first and common step is avoiding overdose. Overdose of any erectile dysfunction drug will only enhance the side- effects. There will be no corresponding increase in the erection process. Remember that one dose is enough to give the desired improvement in erection.
Second, if you are already on medication for any medical ailment, consult a doctor. Show your medicines tothe doctor. Let him guide on the correct use. Avoid simultaneous use of erectile dysfunction drugs and medicines. It is sure way to get a severe reaction.
Third, if you are a patient orrecently come through successful surgery of heart or prostate consult a doctor.You can use erectile dysfunction drugs, but have to ensure several safeguards.
ED drugs are safe for health males
Patent and generic erectile dysfunction drugs are safe for healthy males of any age group. Since active ingredient is the same, the generic fildena100 mg, may give some bluish vision, like a Viagra drug. Everything will look a bit blue. It is the only side effect that is different from other drugs. The vision comes back to normal after first couple of hours.
Some patients have to take precautions,but some cannot have under any circumstance. Those patients who are already on the medicines that contain nitrate oxide as the main ingredient, need guidance.The nitrate relaxes the blood vessels. So do the erectile dysfunction drugs.The combined action can reduce the blood pressure to dangerous levels.
So, for a health male, erectile dysfunctions drugs are safe. If you are patient, you need consultations before using any dose or drug.