
Toorder this 400+ page report, which features 145+ figures and 205+ tables,please visit this -
The USD 940 million (by 2030) financial opportunitywithin the BBB market has been analyzed across the following segments:
§ Type of Payment ModelAdopted
§ Upfront payments
§ Milestone payments
§ Type of Molecule
§ Small Molecules
§ Biologics
§ Target DiseaseIndication
§ Brain Metastases inBreast Cancer
§ GlioblastomaMultiforme
§ Hunter Syndrome
§ Hurler Syndrome
§ Leading TechnologyPlatforms
§ G®-Technology
§ J-Brain Cargo®Technology
§ LRP-1 Technology
§ Trojan HorseTechnology
§ Leading DrugDevelopers
§ 2-BBB
§ Angiochem
§ ArmaGen
§ JCR Pharmaceuticals
§ Key GeographicalRegions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
The Blood-BrainBarrier (BBB) Market (2nd Edition), 2020-2030: Focus on Non-InvasiveDrug Delivery Technology Platforms and Therapeutics.”
report features thefollowing companies, which we identified to be key players in this domain:
§ Angiochem
§ ArmaGen
§ BioArctic
§ Cyclenium Pharma
§ Denali Therapeutics
§ ICB International
§ Iproteos
§ JCR Pharmaceuticals
§ Lauren Sciences
§ Medesis Pharma
§ Ossianix
§ Vect-Horus
Table of Contents
1. Preface
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
4. Market Landscape: Non-Invasive BBB Penetration
5. Market Landscape: BBB Penetrating Drugs
6. Company Profiles
7. Technology Competitiveness Analysis
8. Non-Invasive BBB Penetration Technologies: PopularApproaches
9. Partnerships andCollaborations
10. Analysis of Recent Licensing Agreements
11. Funding and Investment Analysis
12. Patent Analysis
13. Drug Development Strategy Analysis
14. Market Potential of Key Neurological Disorders
15. Likely Partner Analysis
16. Market Forecast
17. Conclusion
18. Executive Insights
19. Appendix 1: Tabulated Data
20. Appendix 2: List of Companies and Organizations
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Contact Details
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415