
Day care centers have proliferated and it is high time that you take steps to increase the enrolments to your child care center. Here are a few proven strategies that can help bring in more enrolments by reaching out to more families.
Understand what parents expect from a day care center
It is important to understand the high priority concerns that make families go to day care centers. By solving the problems and challenges faced by families in caring for their kids can help create a brand image for your day care center. For instance, many studies show that child safety, child health, developmental opportunities for kids, quality of care, schedule, proximity and affordability are some top concerns parents have in choosing a day care facility.
Build up on your unique strengths
It is impossible to make everyone happy. However, if you can focus on building up on your unique strengths, you can make your child care center stand out from the rest. Some such areas to work on include providing ample physical activities for kids, focusing on cognitive development of children, and tweaking your day care services to meet the special expectations of a group.
Focus on the quality of staff
Your staff are the backbone of your operations. It is not enough if you are dedicated and talented in providing quality care to kids. It is very important that you recruit the right workforce that can make your programs and processes successful and more effective among the kids enrolled. Your responsibility in this regard does not stop with hiring the right people. You must also take care to train them frequently to update their skills and performance.
Provide flexible hours
Families expect flexible hours and this is one concern that most day care centers do not care to fulfill. If you operate only on standard hours, many parents might not find it convenient to put their children in your day care center. Extended hours or affordable options can help attract families who want late pick up or early drop facility for their kids.
Provide some specialized activities
Some specialized activities like computers, yoga, basketball and others can help add value to your offerings. Irrespective of the direction you take, such activities can make your center stand out from the rest in the domain.
Advertise in the local community
The most critical component of running a day care center successfully involves advertising your center in the local community. Some such useful steps can include posting flyers on store message boards, street or restaurants, connecting with local schools, sharing your business cards with local real estate agents who can in turn advertise your center among parents, posting yard signs around your facility saying that you are enrolling, and making a mention of your day care center on the move in the places you visit.
Invest in a good day care accounting software
Investing in a good day care accounting software is a way to streamline your processes and drive more professionalism in to your operations and management. In this way, you can also bypass hectic daily managing of those activities and get more time to improve the quality of your offerings.
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