Pregnancy TMI? That’s Not a Thing Anymore
Pregnancy TMI? That’s Not a Thing Anymore
Have you realized how interesting pregnancy can be, whether or not you’re the one who’s pregnant? It’s incredible. While subjects revolving around pregnancy used to be a bit hush-hush, that’s not really the case in the 21st century. Everything from maternity clothing to body changes and even sex while pregnant are topics people feel comfortable discussing.

Pregnancy is wildly interesting. Not only is your body growing a tiny human, but you’re also experiencing a ton of things other people—men in particular—just don’t get. While subjects revolving around pregnancy used to be a bit taboo to talk about, that’s simply not the case in the 21st century. Everything from maternity clothing to body changes and even sex while pregnant are topics people feel comfortable discussing (and they should!).

Here’s a look at how access to pregnancy information and fashionable maternity clothing have evolved over the years.

Tucked Under the Maternity Dresses

While pregnancy and childbirth were matters for women, most books on the subject were written by men back in the day, even though they weren’t commonly allowed in the delivery room. While back then all things conception and pregnancy were a bit hush-hush and swept discreetly under the maternity dress, so to speak, in this modern day and age that’s simply not the case.

First of all, in modern times, everyone questions everything—pregnancy topics included. Plus, bumps are just as out in the open as information. And nowadays, modern maternity dresses are just as fashionable as the rest of them—a welcome change from the maternity wear of the past. Modern maternity dresses flatter that bump, mama!

A Change in the Approach

There’s a whole list of things that have changed significantly from the way things were done in the past. Fortunately, public health, social welfare, and women’s health movements led to the medicalization of pregnancy and maternity. Luckily, there were also modifications in fashion trends, social norms, and marketing, as well as—most importantly—women’s rights.

Women even wear maternity pants now; genuinely comfortable maternity pants that can help expectant mothers feel good in their incredible bodies. It used to be that even women who weren’t pregnant didn’t do that. Things have certainly changed for the better.

Maternity Clothing, Sex, and Belly Oil

Every woman, pregnant or not, should have a community that can support her and provide trustworthy ‘been there, done that’ answers to questions she didn’t think she’d need to ask. There is not an uncrossable line for mamas and mamas-to-be in the general sense of pregnancy and maternity subjects. You can find a non-judgmental and even entertaining resource for all of your questions and searches for information.

In addition to fashionable maternity wear, some of the best brands also offer a supportive community online for moms and mamas-to-be to get access to non-judgmental advice for every trimester—the fourth included. They can help you learn more about fashionable maternity clothing (get it, mama), how long to wear said clothing (as long as you want), miscarriage rates (important), incompetent cervixes (rude), turning your placenta into pills (up to you, mama), and even pregnancy sex (gasp, scandalous). People are there for you, mama.

If you’ve got a pregnancy question or answer, don’t worry about it being TMI. Just remember that women have been through a lot, and you can get through anything that makes you even the slightest bit uncomfortable. You can find a community that gives women the support they need through every trimester (and even after your baby is born). They can direct you to the most stylish maternity dresses, the best mama-safe belly oil, and even explain a perineal massage—all great information to have as a soon-to-be mom. We’ve come a long way, mama, and now you can get the unbiased info you’re looking for and wear your cute maternity pants (or dress!), too.


Mamas and mamas-to-be can rely on HATCH for modern maternity solutions. The brand is ready to support you from the First Trimester to the Fourth Trimester—and pretty much anytime you need chic maternity clothes, mama-safe skincare, and community support. HATCH works to help women feel good and look good every day so that they can prepare emotionally and physically for all things mama-hood. With stylish pieces for casual and formal settings and mama-safe skincare, including Belly Oil and HATCH Bump Care, HATCH sets you up with everyday essentials for before, during, and after you welcome your babe into the world. Plus, it never hurts to have a fun, feisty, and informative resource (or friend) to get the down-low on all things mommy. No matter what you need, HATCH has got you, mama.

Discover modern maternity solutions that help moms take on the world at

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