Must-Have Material Handling Equipment Upgrades for Furniture Distributors
Must-Have Material Handling Equipment Upgrades for Furniture Distributors
Any kind of distribution business depends on effective, reliable material handling solutions to be successful. That is certainly the case for furniture distributors with the additional challenge that virtually everything being transported is going to be large and heavy. The right material handling equipment and upgrades, like a motorized hand truck, can not only increase a furniture distributor’s efficiency but can also improve safety.

Transporting and delivering furniture can be difficult on employees. Many items are heavy and unwieldy and often require multiple pairs of hands. Furniture distribution businesses should invest in high-quality equipment for employees to improve safety and efficiency. Prioritize the following material handling equipment upgrades such as powered hand truck technology.

Make the Most of the Heavy Duty Hand Truck

When it comes to moving large, heavy loads, traditional hand trucks can’t compare to heavy duty, or appliance, hand trucks. Appliance hand trucks are specially designed to support those bulky loads, including straps to secure them. Upgrading to heavy duty hand trucks helps your employees move items without as much strain. High-quality, name-brand material handling equipment reliably ensures safety and efficiency, which is critical for moving furniture.

Customize Your Hand Trucks for Your Requirements

The right material handling brand should provide customization options. For example, the iconic Magliner hand truck line can be customized in over four million distinct configurations. For furniture distributors, customizations could include features like fourth wheel stabilization attachments, a handle release lever, and a break back bar assembly.

Upgrade to a Powered Hand Truck for Optimal Efficiency

Moving heavy pieces of furniture with improper equipment can take a toll on employees. It can also increase the risk of accidents or injuries on-site. A powered or motorized hand truck is one of the most effective material handling solutions available. Motorized hand trucks are capable of transporting hundreds of pounds without any strain or exertion. It’s easy for fewer employees to do more work, more safely.

Consider the Convertible Hand Truck for Big Jobs

Convertible hand trucks, aka collapsible hand trucks, and traditional hand trucks can be operated in the same vertical configuration. Convertible hand trucks also feature an extra set of wheels that allows them to be operated in a horizontal position as well, one that provides considerably more platform space. That capability has established the convertible hand truck as one of the most versatile examples of material handling equipment. They are often used to move loads that don’t fit well on a traditional hand truck’s nose or platform. The horizontal configuration also provides additional stability for supporting larger items, like furniture, on the greater platform area. Operating it horizontally also accommodates more weight. For instance, the renowned Magliner Gemini Sr. convertible hand truck supports up to 500 pounds in the vertical configuration and up to 1000 pounds when horizontal. Its aluminum frame makes it a lighter hand truck with superior rust resistance for working in wet conditions.

About Magline

Magliner has been a shining example of reliability and quality in material handling for nearly 75 years. The classic Magliner hand trucks deliver best-in-class quality, dependability, and durability. Other reliable Magliner products include a powered hand truck series, convertible hand truck line, hand lift truck selection, and more material handling equipment. If your business needs something moved, delivered, or lifted from one place to another, you can trust Magliner equipment to get the job done. Now is the perfect time to equip your delivery truck fleet with Magliner equipment.

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