
How do I find e-commerce clients on LinkedIn?
How to connect with a prospect on LinkedIn?
Hit the ‘Connect’ button, or do as LinkedIn suggests and add an introductory note.
A lot of people will connect without a note, but it’s always best to introduce yourself first in a few words and give a reason to make a connection. Plus, a little note means that, when it comes time to see if they’re interested in your services, it’s a warm pitch — they’ll recognize your name and will have probably checked out your LinkedIn profile.
You can be pertinent in linking to something you both share in common (in my case, eCommerce and startups) and personal by mentioning
Once you’re connected, don’t be a stranger. If something from a prospect pops up in your feed, give it a like or leave a comment. It all helps to build that relationship.
When you’re connected on LinkedIn, finding a relevant email address is a piece of cake.