
Knowledge is free but it takes some digging to find the good stuff. If you’re looking for some of the best-kept marketing secrets in the industry (some of which are, admittedly, nearly obvious) then look no further. Just keep scrolling.
Focus (On Your Ideal Customers)
You may not want to hear this, but you’re not trying to sell to literally everyone in the market. Read that again.
It might sound absurd, but it’s true. There are very few (if any) products or services that all people in the market use equally, yet for some reason, business owners, whether they understand this premise or not, consistently fail to follow the implications.
Successful businesses don’t necessarily win by selling to more customers. The best succeed through effective customer retention and repeat business.
That comes from customer targeting. Don’t broadcast. Refine your marketing messaging, imaging, branding, and deliver targeted ads only to leads that make sense.
Follow the 80/20 Rule
This one is one of the best-kept marketing secrets in all of digital marketing. But it may not mean what you think.
Basically, in digital marketing, this 80/20 rule insinuates that you should only devote 20% of your effort to producing entirely new content.
The world is awash with commentary, memes, and customer comments that need responses. Creating original content is hard; responding to customers, upcycling old posts, and re-posting memes are easy.
Giving Is Better Than Getting
That is, people love to get free stuff, and there are so many ways to give back.
The great thing about offering discounts, promotions, rewards (and things of that nature) is that your customers end up feeling like they are appreciated and got something for their loyalty.
But the marketing secret here is, it almost always costs less to give than the company gets back in return from repeat patronage.
So everyone wins - but especially your business.
Keep At It
While this is boring advice, and truly, hardly a marketing secret, it is one of the most important maxims that you, as a digital marketer, can follow.
Do not take breaks. This applies not only to your production efforts but also to your branding.
Make sure that all members of your creative and marketing team know the sorts of branding logos, fonts, imagery, and colors that are (and aren’t) acceptable in promotional materials.
It also goes for your content schedule. If you blog, post on Instagram or send out emails, keep at it. Nothing seems more slipshod than an inconsistent marketing campaign.
Close-Out with Decisive Calls to Action
Shop Now! Buy Here!
They are calls to action, but boy are they weak. They seem hokey, cheap, and uninspired.
You should absolutely use calls to action, but the best ones are not banal and burned out. The best ones frame the situation in such a light that it seems as though the customer has the power to end a problem.
For instance, if you’re running a promotion, use a call to action specifying how much a customer can save. If you’re selling environmentally friendly wares, your calls to action can be framed in a manner such as “Help End Pollution,” or “Cut Your Carbon Footprint.”
Give the customer the power to change something important, and tell them how. That’s what makes an excellent call to action.
For More Marketing Secrets Visit Genius eCommerce
If you found these marketing secrets useful (despite the fact that some of them are a little too well known to truly be called secrets) visit Genius eCommerce.
Their website is a treasure trove of ripe information and nuggets of glorious wisdom, much of it dedicated to the sphere of digital marketing. Get in touch with them today!
Or, since that last CTA was a bit washed-out, we’ll use this.
The power to drive sales and grow your business is within your grasp! (And it starts with a visit to Genius eCommerce.)
That’s how it’s done.
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