
If you have limited space and want a small garden, square-foot garden landscaping ideas Arlington or Fort Worth is the one for you. It can beautify your backyard without the labor of digging. Check out the tips for having a successful square foot garden here.
Easy Tips for a Successful Square Foot Garden
If you have limited space and want a small garden, square-foot garden landscaping ideas Arlington or Fort Worth is the one for you. It can beautify your backyard without the labor of digging. Check out the tips for having a successful square foot garden here.
1. Have raised garden bed for square foot gardening
If you don't want to do landscape in the entire area in Arlington or Fort Worth, go with 4×4 square foot gardening. Build it using raised garden beds. It avoids compacting the soil when you walk.
2. Use untreated lumber for square foot garden boxes
A square foot garden landscape design in Arlington or Fort Worth constantly remains in contact with damp soil. It causes the wood to rot quickly. Use only untreated lumber like pine, fir, cedar, or redwood that are naturally water-resistant.
3. Keep about 3 feet in distance between the beds.
Use a square foot garden for different floral, vegetable, or spice plant landscaping ideas Arlington and Fort Worth. Keeping distance between beds provides enough space for walking and maneuvering a wheelbarrow or manual lawnmower.
4. Pay attention to quantity and mixture of soil
Use about 8-cubic feet of soil (0.3 cubic yards) in each 4×4-foot box and fill it up to 6-inches high. For the soil mix in your square foot garden landscape in Fort Worth or Arlington, use equal parts peat moss, vermiculite, and compost. You can also buy quality pre-mixed raised bed garden soil from various landscape services in Fort Worth and Arlington.
5. Do not saturate the soil mix until it is in the boxes.
The classic square foot soil mix is very dusty. When you mix them in a wheelbarrow, wear a mask. You can mist it a little with a garden hose, but avoid saturating it. After filling the square foot garden boxes with the soil mix, saturate and hydrate it sufficiently.
6. Do weed elimination before positioning the square foot garden boxes
Weed elimination is a vital task for successful square foot gardening. Use a weed wacker or lawnmower to trim the grass of your landscape in Fort Worth or Arlington. Place newspaper or cardboard below the wooden square foot garden boxes to kill grass and decompose it. It will stop weed growth in your square foot garden beds.
7. Add grids inside the square foot garden box for organized planting
Experienced landscape services in Arlington and Fort Worth do accurate plant placing in a straight row. When you do it yourself, use grids for organized plantations. Divide the bed into one-foot sections and use strings, mini blinds, wooden dowels, wood laths, or thin strips of wood to make your grid. Sow only 2-to-3 seeds per grid.
Mulch the soil surface to prevent it from drying out. Consult professional landscape services Fort Worth or Arlington for further advice on the plantation in square foot gardens.