
If you use energy, whether it's to power your home or light your office, you have a choice: You can use clean energy or dirty energy. Unfortunately, despite how simple this may sound, the questions about what makes energy clean or dirty and how accessible one is over the other cause confusion. So we're here to help set the record straight and help dispel some of the most common myths about clean energy!
#1 Renewable Energy is More Expensive
The myth that energy generated by renewable sources is more expensive than energy from fossil fuels was true back in the early 2000s. These days, however, things have changed. No matter which source it comes from, prices for renewable energy have decreased over time. They are now just as cost-effective as electricity produced by coal, oil, or natural gas — if not cheaper. This is because prices of fossil fuels continue to rise year after year while clean energy remains affordable.
#2 Renewable Energy Can't Deliver When It's Dark or Not Windy
Indeed, solar panels do not (currently) work at night, and wind turbines do need wind, but technology is evolving at an incredibly fast rate. Scientists are making great strides in creating more sensitive panels and turbines - it seems that they will soon be as sensitive as they need to be to work at all hours of the day.
#3 It's Hard to Access Renewable & Clean Energy
Inspire makes buying 100% renewable and clean energy simple, fast, and affordable. In addition, we will ensure that you are properly shielded from the elements - preventing your home from the more adverse effects of the environment, such as natural disasters, for example! By signing on with Inspire today, you've taken another step toward backing a better future for generations to come.
#4 Renewable Energy Won't Work Without Government Subsidies
Climate change is a global challenge, so it's time for governments to step in and incentivize a move toward renewable energy sources. The sooner the world makes this change happen, the better! But it turns out there still may be no need to rely on government subsidies when moving toward renewable energy.
Onshore wind and solar PV power are frequently less expensive than any fossil-fuel option without financial assistance.
New solar and wind installations will increasingly undercut even the operating-only costs of existing coal-fired plants.
Over seven out of ten utility-scale wind and solar projects expected to be commissioned in 2020 will provide cheaper electricity than the cheapest coal, gas, or oil power plant available at that time.
The market for solar panels is continuously growing year after year is not because of government pressure to move towards renewable energy sources but rather people who are looking for a more affordable and reliable way to power their homes.
#5 Solar Panels are Too Expensive For The Average Person
This myth is based on the idea that only rich elites can afford to use solar power because it's too expensive for the working class. But that's not true! The average cost of installing a 4kw solar power system is $9,000. Compared to other home improvement projects (tile flooring, remodeling bathrooms), this figure is inexpensive compared to adding value to your home! On average, each kilowatt of installed solar power adds $6k overall to a home resale value2 which means even a small 3kw system will add a lifetime value of $18k to your home.
Solar calculators help users determine how much it will cost them to purchase, install and integrate solar energy into their households. The companies factor in a household's actual monthly usage and location to determine costs and lifetime savings from utilizing solar power. The government can also offer incentives that range between tens of thousands of dollars to $5,000 per kW needed for residential systems.
The results are clear: sustainability is creating a smarter, cleaner, and brighter future. So if you're in search of sunshine coast solar or sunshine coast solar company, AHLEC will guide you in the right way.
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