5 Material Handling Solutions Every Industrial Courier Should Prioritize
5 Material Handling Solutions Every Industrial Courier Should Prioritize
Industrial couriers face all of the challenges that parcel delivery companies do and then some. They tend to deal with tight deadlines and very precise or complicated delivery instructions. Equally demanding, they are often required to complete the delivery of challenging items on short notice. Those demands make effective material handling equipment, like appliance hand truck upgrades, a big priority for any industrial courier.

Industrial couriers often face tough delivery deadlines and complicated delivery instructions. More demanding still, industrial couriers are commonly required to move challenging items on short notice. Versatile material handling equipment is a must to tackle a variety of delivery demands and conditions. A solution like upgrading to a motorized hand truck for a courier company’s inventory control can make a big difference.

Improve Versatility with a Convertible Hand Truck

A convertible hand truck offers a significant boost to material handling versatility and efficiency. Convertible hand trucks can be operated in the traditional vertical orientation for any jobs that require it, but they’re equipped with an extra set of wheels that also allow a horizontal configuration. The horizontal orientation provides considerably more platform space to accommodate a wider variety of items. Horizontal operation also increases stability and supports considerably more weight.

Upgrade to an Appliance Hand Truck

The traditional hand truck is the delivery driver’s best friend. For larger, heavier loads, however, appliance hand trucks are a preferable option. Basically, the appliance hand truck, also known as a heavy duty hand truck, is built to more safely and effectively accommodate bigger, bulkier items. They are also equipped with straps to better secure their loads. For deliveries of large medical or aviation and aerospace items, for instance, the appliance hand truck is an invaluable asset.

Cover the Biggest Jobs with a Motorized Hand Truck

There are also some transportation scenarios in which even a heavy duty hand truck may not be the right solution. For employees required to move heavy items in an industrial courier business’s warehouse or for inventory control, a powered or motorized hand truck can significantly enhance efficiency. The capacity to move heavy loads without great strain or exertion is also effective for reducing the risk of injury.

Prioritize Equipment Customization for Your Fleet

Beyond the obvious benefits of sourcing your equipment from a reputable, reliable name-brand company, a dedicated material handling manufacturer is going to provide far greater customization opportunities. Magliner hand trucks, for example, can be customized in over four million distinct combinations. Customizing an appliance hand truck with a fourth wheel attachment for greater stability, for instance, could help a great deal.

Enhance Efficiency with a Stair Climbing Hand Truck

It’s also worth upgrading a delivery fleet with material handling equipment that responds to environmental obstacles to delivery in addition to challenging delivery items. Stairs are among the most time-consuming delivery hurdles and represent a risk of injury, particularly when combined with large or heavy items. A powered stair climbing hand truck significantly reduces both the time spent navigating stairs and the risk associated with them.

About Magline

Magliner has been a shining example of reliability and quality in material handling for nearly 75 years. The classic Magliner hand trucks deliver best-in-class quality, dependability, and durability. Other reliable Magliner products include a powered hand truck series, convertible hand truck line, hand lift truck selection, and more material handling equipment. If your business needs something moved, delivered, or lifted from one place to another, you can trust Magliner equipment to get the job done. Now is the perfect time to equip your delivery truck fleet with Magliner equipment.

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