4 Things to Expect as a First-Time Kava Drinker
4 Things to Expect as a First-Time Kava Drinker
Loved for its blissful and relaxing properties, the kava root has long been associated with friendship and community. Typically brewed as a tea or mixed into another drink, its stress-relieving effects usually leave those who try it eager for more. With so much to love about kava, here are four things you can expect when trying it for the first time.

The kava root is steeped in a tradition of friendship, communication, and good spirits. That’s why it has been used for centuries throughout Southeast Asia as a ceremonial and medicinal natural herbal product. Often brewed into tea or mixed into an assortment of classic drinks and smoothies, it has a powerful yet calming effect. That feeling tends to leave kava enthusiasts excited for their next serving. While the calming effect of kava is one of its biggest appeals, there’s a lot more to expect when trying kava for the first time. Here are four things look forward to as a first-time kava drinker.

It Can Help You Feel Lifted and Less Anxious

Anxiety can come from just about anywhere, whether it’s the stresses of work, school, or social outings. While some may turn to prescription medication to feel more comfortable in those situations, others might choose alcohol to dull feelings of stress. With that said, neither of these solutions is perfect. Overindulgence in alcohol can lead to dulled senses and less awareness, and even the use of prescription medication can sometimes lead to dependency. As a result, many have turned to kava as a natural means to help lift their spirits and reduce feelings of anxiety. Similar to the effects of other natural herbal products like kratom, kava’s main ingredients (known as kavalactones) pass through the bloodstream to provide a kind of blissful feeling. This feeling can help naturally lower inhibitions for anyone, whether you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert. People of all personality types enjoy kava.

It Can Help You Become a Social Butterfly

The calming effect of kava can also manifest itself as a relaxed sort of social energy. A night on the town or a party full of new faces carries with it the expectation to get out and mingle with a large group of people. This task can feel overwhelming for many people. On the other hand, sharing a cup of kava between friends provides an easy way to take advantage of loosened inhibitions. The conversational tension dissipates as the kavalactones work their magic, enhanced by the lounge atmosphere of your typical kava bar.

It Can Help You Feel a Lot More Relaxed

This kind of calm, carefree feeling can extend long after your favorite nightly activities as well. The effects of kava can double as a natural sleep aid. Like the alkaloids found in kratom, the kavalactones in a kava tea help loosen the muscles, creating a sense of heaviness and peacefulness. Since this is exactly how you want to feel around bedtime, it’s no wonder so many people turn to kava instead of other options as a means of winding down. With that said, one general rule for using kava as a sleep aid is to ensure that you consume it on an empty stomach, preferably before you eat or around two or three hours after eating. When timed correctly, a kava brew can help ensure you get a proper night’s rest without feeling heavy or sluggish the next morning.

It Can Help You Avoid Sluggish Feelings Later

Speaking of heavy and sluggish feelings, first-time kava drinkers might worry that consuming too much kava could produce the same effects as over-indulging on too much alcohol. Thankfully, this couldn’t be further from the truth! In fact, a major part of the kava root’s appeal is all the social, blissful bonuses of a fresh, new way to unwind at the end of a busy week without the pounding headache and nausea commonly associated with too many beers, glasses of wine, or cocktails. By leaving these negative experiences behind, enjoying kava can be a liberating experience. Who knows? You might even make kava a regular part of your weekly routine.

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