
Running a business is no easy task, it involves hours and hours of work. Marketing and spreading awareness are a key part of your business. In the current climate, the importance of digital experience has grown exponentially.
Although it may seem difficult and tedious, executing digital marketing well is within your grasp when you understand what to work on. The best part of it is it will aid in growing your online business.
Set Realistic Goals
When you set realistic, SMART goals, you are aware of what needs to be done to achieve success and you also know that it is attainable.
For example, if your goal is to gain traffic to your online platform, how will you work towards that goal?
In this scenario and most, the first step is research. You will want to understand the demand for what you offer and how to make it desirable.
You must determine your audience and the catch, as in what can you offer to make their lives easier or how do you solve a problem for them.
Once you figure that out, note your tasks so you can see a picture of how everything will fall into place.
Website Design
When creating an online platform for a product or a service you must always have your user in mind. In doing so, you improve your chances of gaining a promising prospect..
Your online platform or website must be:
user friendly
optimized for SEO
When trying to optimize your online platform, you must have at least a basic but thorough website analysis for a better understanding of things that can be improved.
Tracking and Measuring
When you think about your online business, what is it that you want it to do? What is your objective?
This will lead to your key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics that demonstrate how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives necessary for growth.
Examples of KPI's:
Let's say KPI's are visits to your website that include a purchase. After a specified amount of time, go back and review data For number of visits and number of visits that results in purchases.
Based on that data, you will then analyze it and see what you can improve that can lead to more purchases.
What this does is it optimizes the experience while testing what works and what doesn't. Eventually, you’ll figure the right recipe for success.
Web Analytics and Tools
A common tool used to understand web analytics is Google Analytics. With tools like that, you can uncover a lot of insight when you properly configure tracking.
You can see where your audience is coming from. Is it organic, from a search engine like Google or is it through an external source like social media, an ad, or a backlink?
And once you do know where they come from, what do you do with that information?
Not only that but you will also be able to determine:
Amount of traffic or visits
Acquisition data (Direct, Organic, Referral, Social)
User behavior with landing and exit pages
First, clearly define your goals and objectives. Then, create an experience, not just a website, with a design that is simple and easy to navigate always with the user in mind. Collect data and conduct analysis to continually improve the experience. Track traffic sources and understand user behavior.
While all of this will take time, and perhaps multiple tries, if you put in action the steps above, you will have a much better chance to achieve success and growth for your online business.
Remember, unless you go viral, "slow and steady wins the race". Don’t focus on quick, microwave solutions. Be consistent and you will eventually reach your goals.