Things You Didn’t Know About Polyamorous Relationships
Things You Didn’t Know About Polyamorous Relationships
People in polyamorous relationships don’t get into the setting because they are bored of their partner or can’t commit. It’s because it’s a fun way for them to explore their sexuality and individuality.

Things You Didn’t Know About Polyamorous Relationships

When people hear about polyamorous relationships, the first thing that pops into their mind is, “How are you comfortable sharing your partner?”

Despite the fact that open relationships have become common around the world, most people cannot fathom the thought of exploring other options, or letting their partner be with someone else for some time.

But polyamorous relationships are more than just sharing your partner will multiple people. Here are a few things about pen relationships that you probably were not aware of:

It’s Consensual Monogamy   

While a monogamous relationship involves two people being committed to each other, consensual monogamy is different. It involves two people who are committed to each other exploring other options, with everyone’s consent.

The people who are involved are all aware of each other’s existence and set boundaries that need to be respected.

It’s Not Cheating

A lot of people have this misconception that polyamorous relationships are cheating. But this is not true. The main difference between open relationships and cheating is that the people involved are all aware of the existence of the relationship. They set boundaries and rules in the relationship that everyone agrees on.

Cheating on the other hand involves extramarital affairs without their partner’s knowledge.

It’s Not a Lack of Commitment  

People in polyamorous relationships don’t get into the setting because they are bored of their partner or can’t commit. It’s because it’s a fun way for them to explore their sexuality and individuality. They also have different views on relationships and want to focus on discovering what they truly want.

For some people, it’s just fun and adventurous. Polyamorous relationships have their pros and cons. If you want to learn about mental health, sexuality, and individualism, Sistar Sun RA’s book, ‘Queen of Hearts’ and its sequel ‘King of Clubs’ offers an exciting and thrilling adventure.

Mandisa is a bright young woman with a horrible family situation full of violence, betrayal, and abuse. After she and her mother escape from her father’s demonic grip, she tries to rebuild her distorted image, but her mother fears it could be too late. Will Mandisa be able to make it out alive?

Purchase ‘Queen of Hearts’ on Amazon to find out!