
Treatments for dandruff aid you stop or manage your scalp's itching and flaking. Using a dandruff shampoo and brushing your hair are the first two things to try.
From your scalp down, brush your hair firmly and steadily. This removes the oil from your scalp, where an accumulation of the substance and skin cells may result in dandruff. Your hair will remain lustrous and healthy if you move the product along the hair strands.
Dandruff Shampoos
There are various types of dandruff shampoo. For example, coal tar products (Denorex Therapeutic Protection, Neutrogena T/Gel, Scytera) have several active components.
Pyrithione zinc (Head & Shoulders, Revlon T/Gel Daily Control Dandruff Shampoo, Selsun Blue for Itchy Dry Scalp)
sulfursulfur and salycilate (Sebex, Sebulex)
Neutrogena T/Sal, a brand of salicylic acid
sulphide of selenium (Dandrex, Head & Shoulders Clinical Strength, Selsun)
Ketoconazole (Extina, Nizoral A-D, Xolegel)
If one kind of shampoo first manages the dandruff but then loses its effectiveness, you might need to switch to another kind. Additionally, you must exercise caution if you opt to use a shampoo that contains coal tar. The way coal tar reduces dandruff is by slowing down the death and flaking of the skin cells on your scalp.
However, you should be aware of the following:
It can cause allergic reactions in some persons.
It can often alter the hue of lighter-colored clothing, fingernails, skin, and hair.
You must keep it away from your eyes, any broken skin, cuts or infections.
You should avoid exposure to sunshine for 24 to 72 hours after using it because it can make your skin more susceptible to sunlight.
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding shouldn’t use it.