
Anti-estrogen supplements are actually anti-blockers that are basically used for blocking the rising of estrogen levels in males. It is not good for estrogen levels to rise because it also lowers the production of testosterone in men.
This is so because estrogen functions as the relay to the pituitary gland in the brain which controls the production of testosterone. Unfortunately, high levels of estrogen switch off the production of testosterone in the male body which is not very favorable for men. The rise in estrogen levels in males is not a good thing most especially if you are building and packing your muscles.
To resolve this issue, anti-estrogen supplements are developed and produced. There are plenty of anti-estrogen products that are available in the market. Some of these include green tea extract, Chrysin, and 3a-Hydroxyetioallocholan Ethyl Ester among others.
Basically, anti-estrogen supplements help in post-cycle therapy. A post cycle is identified at the time that a person is taking prohormones. The only way of making sure that the gains remain effective is by increasing the natural testosterone production, thus resulting in a lower estrogen level. This is practically the perfect time for introducing anti-estrogen supplement intake.
The intake of prohormones results in a low level of testosterone. This is because prohormones abolish the body's natural production of hormones. Thus, after taking prohormones, the body tends to stabilize its internal hormone balance. In the process, there is an increase in estrogen production, thus the need for anti-estrogen supplements. Anti-estrogen supplements are introduced in this time of prohormone post cycle in order to stop estrogen production.
On the other hand, anti-estrogen supplements are also claimed to increase sexual drive. Although this claim is not scientifically supported, many also use these supplements for this purpose. Moreover, anti-estrogen supplements are also used in preventing gynecomastia. This is a condition where the breasts become itchy and the nipples puffy. Thus in the early signs of gynecomastia, anti-estrogen supplements intake is advisable.
Anti-estrogen is a good supplement to control testosterone levels. If you have any health-related problems that are due to testosterone deficiency, anti-estrogen supplements may come in useful. Of course, be sure to consult your physician before taking any supplements.
Like many supplements, anti-estrogen does has its own side effects. However, when consumed sensibly, this supplement is more beneficial to health than harmful.